The Nation's Health

Health Tips: Diet for acidity

One has to follow the strict diet. The food that aggravates Pitta Dosha is to be avoided. This includes almost all sour tasted fruits, vegetables like lemons, tomatoes etc. one has to include milk but not in case of ulcers as the milk itself turns into curd when remains in stomach. Give up curds, fermented items like pickles, oily, spicy food. Cheese items and junk food do give rise to acidity. Soft drinks, tea, coffee etc are the beverages put acid into the stomach.

One has to include sweet into his or her diet. It’s the tradition in India to serve sweet along with the food making the Indian food in balanced diet. In Ayurveda it is advisable to have sweet but in little quantity before having meals not after or in between. One has to remember that person with diabetes; hypertension or heart disease should take caution and must refer to Ayurvedic physician before having it.

One should favor the fruits like apple, banana, dates, figs and jambul fruits. Coconut, ripened mango, wood apple and pomegranate can be added. Carrot leaves, celery leaves, curry leaves are helpful controlling acidity. Vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrot and beet root are good for acidity. Spices like cumin seeds, coriander and cardamom are to be taken. One should include barley, jowar and wheat is good for staple food.

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