The Nation's Health

Health Tips: Jaundice Treatments For Newborn

If the jaundice is mild, then the child is usually capable of taking care of it on own and it should go down in a week or so. If it is extremely severe, the doctor may suggest phototherapy which alters the nature of the bilirubin and makes it easier for the baby’s liver to get rid of it. Frequent breast feeding or supplementing it with formula may help, but this should only be done in consultation with the child’s doctor as this condition can develop from an intake of breast milk itself. If this is the case, you can still pump out your breast milk and resume feeding once the doctor says that it is alright to do so. At home you may expose the baby to a little sunlight, preferably the rays of the early morning sun. Sunlight is capable of breaking down the excess bilirubin in the body. But make sure to not get the child sunburnt and in case it is chilly outside, bundle the baby up as well.

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