Modern Dentistry Today
Modern dentistry has long since gone beyond a simple concern about the state of your teeth — today to the dentist many patients come to return the teeth not only health, but also beauty. The two most important criteria beauty of smile — a form of the teeth and their color. Consider what methods are used for your ideal smile.
Beautiful Smile It's the Kiss of Soul
Of course, the perfect smile should be smooth, and a perfect color of teeth is the white. Among the causes browning or yellowing teeth enamel — can be the love of coffee or black tea, hereditary factors, smoking... Also, the color of the teeth may be too dark since childhood — natural colors of enamel varies from white to shades of brown.
Don't Bleach Your Teeth Yourself!
Typically, many are trying to solve the problem yourself — using whitening toothpastes, products based on lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide, as well as pharmaceutical drugs. However, dentists recommend not to get involved in such procedures, which can damage the tooth enamel — the chemical substances can cause overdrying of the enamel.