The Nation's Health

A Balanced Diet (A Balanced Diet Is)

A Balanced Diet. A balanced diet means a diet of foods from all food groups is important. There are five main food groups of cereals, vegetables, fruits, milk and meat and meat substitutes.

The key to a healthy diet is variety. You need to take food from different food groups to ensure that your body of vitamins, nutrients and energy needed to function properly and get healthy. This does not mean cutting foods from your diet. Fat has been intimidating people who are completely disconnected from their diet, which is actually bad. Your body needs fat to metabolize properly and energy that your body turns on release. If you remove your body, you get the desire and eating unhealthy processed foods high in sodium and contain trans fats.

Eating a balanced diet is not just about eating good food, or just eat three meals a day.A balanced diet is to eat small meals and snacks throughout the day to keep your body constantly eating, energy and vitamins needed to function at acceptable peak shape.You can eat three meals a day is good, but because they are so far away and you feel hungry, junk food you choose may not be healthy, full of sugar and get metabolized so quickly that an hour later you're hungry again.

In order to achieve the right balance of nutrients, these foods have all the different food groups. Snacks in between also must show that. Get a piece of fruit or a few sticks of vegetables is a much better option than fighting with the machine.

Fruit and vegetables

It should be about a third of your daily diet and can be eaten as part of each meal.Canada's Food Guide recommends 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. But what to serve? Individual fruits such as apples, oranges, peaches, pears, etc. count as one serving. A few are a few strawberries raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and counted as one serving. Dried fruits, frozen or canned vegetables and also calculated on your daily intake. A bowl of cereal or salad greens counts as one serving. One onion, green onion, two handfuls of grated carrots, or cabbage, is also regarded as one of them. Potatoes, although vegetables do not count as one serving of vegetables, because they have flour and starch. Sweet potatoes on the other hand, is a good source of vitamins. You also need a variety of different fruits and vegetables every day to ensure you get the maximum nutrition. Eating fruits and vegetables every day the same is likely to cause you to lose other nutrients. If this sounds like you, think supplements of fruits and vegetables.

Carbohydrates in the form of powder

Food groups should be about a third of your diet and powders that carbohydrate is the body's main source of energy.

When selecting products from the food groups, choosing from more refined carbohydrates than those who were executed because they contain seeds. Foods rich in fiber and nutrition of wheat has many health benefits. Choose brown rice over white.Solid white wheat semolina. These food groups are not deductible from your diet completely. Starch sugar is an important source of energy in your body. Food can be broken down quickly and directly absorbed energy. At the time that has been converted starch, protein and fruit and milk will also be brought to the metabolism, providing your body with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Eat starchy, with a brief message to your brain that you are getting full. Intake of protein, will cause you to eat more because it takes longer to be processed by the body, because it will take much longer "I'm full" signal to send to your brain. In the end, you will eventually consume more calories and they will be converted into fat. So do not cut the starch completely, you just need to make better choices than that.

The final third of a balanced diet consisting of three groups containing foods that should be taken in smaller proportion than the other two categories. These food groups also contain nutrients that are essential to our diet, so important to not abandon them altogether.

Milk and milk products

It should be eaten in moderation because of the high content of saturated fat, but they are an important source of calcium, essential for healthy bones and teeth. Choose low-fat versions or low-fat

Meat, fish, eggs and nuts

This group includes animals and plants, food sources of protein, functional components and the main structure of all cell protein provides the body between 10 and 15 percent of their diet, and is required for growth and repair.

Food and drinks high in fat and / or sugar

This group is the smallest part, including the food should be eaten only arises because, although they are an important energy source, they contain very little nutrients and are often known as 'empty calories'.

They just need to eat as a treat once in a while, or for other palatability essential nutrients (such as olive oil on salads, spread on bread, scratch, or distribution of sugars in some pies) to fix.

Having said all this, just once. Most of the diet is balanced and varied proportions. So if you are frequently hitting all your food groups, go ahead with a piece of cheese, just do not eat your cake. You know your body best, and a signal of what is required to post.This is why you get cravings. Lack of essential nutrients to your body. This is how you eat to make sure that the big difference.