The Nation's Health


Colitis more commonly known as irritable colon is a common disorder of the large bowel, producing discomfort and irregular bowel habits. Most patients suffering from an irritable colon are tense, anxious, and hurried. Many of them eat rapidly and at odd times.

Normally the colon is tend to store the waster material until most of the fluids have been removed. People who suffer from irritable colon do not have normal peristaltic or wave like movements in the large bowel, but rather irregular and erratic contractions, which are particularly seen on the left side.

It is a function of the colon to absorb fluid. Therefore if the stools remain to long in the colon without being passed, they become hard and dry. Feeling of fullness or bloating develop because gas is not absorbed or normally expelled. Because the bowel becomes irritated, excessive amounts of mucus are produced within the bowel, resulting in colitis. Some patients suffer from constipation, alternating with periods of loose stools. In still others persistent diarrhea may continue for years.

Chronic ulcerative colitis is a severe, prolonged inflammation of the colon or large bowel in which ulcers form in the walls of the colon, resulting in the passage of bloody stools mixed with mucus and pus.

Chronic ulcerative colitis usually appears in the lower part of the bowel and spreads upward. The disease seems to attack adults more frequently. The first sign is an increased urgency to move the bowel, followed by cramping pains in the abdomen and bloody mucus in the stool. As the condition become more worse the stools become more loose and watery.

The more severe cases often continue night and day with little relief. All this loss of blood and fluid from the bowel results in weakness, fever, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and anemia.


Eat a high quality diet in between the attacks. If a specific food causes trouble on multiple occasions, avoid it. But if it happens only once, retest. If you find that cabbage makes your symptoms worse, for example, don't avoid all leafy vegetables. Fiber may be an important food source for colitis treatment. Apples are a very good source of fibre. But avoid fibre during the flare-ups. People with ulcerative colitis should consider taking a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement that contains at least 400 micrograms of folate. Emotional stress is the biggest challenge for colitis sufferers. To reduce stress plan a regular exercise program. Exercise will dissipate the effects of stress better than anything. Inability to digest lactose, the sugar in milk, can be a factor in colitis. By avoiding all milk products, you may be able to reduce your symptoms. Strict bed rest with plenty of fluids and a high protein diet are very important. Foods should be attractively prepared and the patient encouraged to eat. The diet should contain at least 2500 calories a day, given in three or four general meals. Vitamin K can help to prevent hemorrhage from the bowel. Avoid eating raw carrots, asparagus, zucchini, squash and other popular vegetables. Marshmallow root is soothing and healing to inflamed mucous membranes. Wild yam is known to reduce gastrointestinal upset and nerve pain, and is also considered to be a strong antispasmodic and is potentially anti-inflammatory. Ginger has traditionally been recommended in Chinese medicine for abdominal bloating, coughing, vomiting, and diarrhea. Cayenne is helpful for various conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, including stomachaches, cramping pains, and gas. Many doctors suggest eliminating all sugar (including soft drinks and processed foods with added sugar) from the diets of those with ulcerative colitis. Laughing provides us with the natural inner massage, and through change of mood it can account for up to 30% of cure. Angelica nutritionally supports the digestive systems. Mandrake works well for liver, gallbladder and all aspects of digestion. Diarrh nourishes the spleen, pancreas, stomach and kidneys. Peppermint calms the stomach, intestinal tract, and the nervous system. It comforts the stomach and nourishes the salivary glands to help with digestion. Another potential natural remedy is to take oral butyrate itself. Butyrate is the byproduct of fermentation in a healthy gastric tract.

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