The Nation's Health

Health Tips: Hernia

Before birth the testicles are formed within the body close to the kidneys. As the fetus grows, these glands move down to the groin and pass into the scrotum, carrying with them the spermatic cord, along with blood vessels and nerves. Failure to descend is known as undescended testicles. Often the channel through which the testis comes down fails to close, so that loops of bowel or omentum may find their way into the scrotum on one or both sides. This is known as indirect inguinal hernia.

Weakness in the abdominal wall may produce a similar result, known as a direct inguinal hernia. Both conditions may occur in the male.

A femoral hernia is usually more common in the female.

Strangulated hernia occurs when a portion of the bowel becomes caught in the hernial sac, resulting in a strangulated hernia. This can be very serious, and may lead to complete intestinal obstruction and even severe peritonitis.

Umbilical hernia occurs when a small protrusion may be visible at or above the umbilicus, which gives an impulse on coughing. It is usually congenital and felt as a ring like opening. It may be acquired also when there is much distension of the abdominal wall as in ascitis, frequent pregnancy or great obesity.

Hernias are caused by a weakened area in the body to aging, surgery or an unusually large opening in the passage between the abdomen and the genitals that does not close completely before birth. Some athletes develop a hernia when repeated twisting and turning is involved.

Sometimes a portion of the stomach is located in the chest. This is known as hiatus hernia, or diaphragmatic hernia. Fullness of the stomach or pressure on the abdomen may cause part of the stomach to move up into the chest. In such cases there is often a feeling of distress, and there may also be bleeding at times.

Hiatus hernia may develop in people of all ages and both sexes, although it is considered to be a condition of middle age. In fact, the majority of otherwise normal people past the age of 50 have small hiatus hernia.


Do not apply any heat to the area and avoid any pressure over the swollen area. An ice bag may help to control the pain. Do not exhaust yourself. Do not exercise with full stomach. If you are overweight, losing weight alone may relieve the symptoms Do not smoke. Avoid wearing tight clothes around your chest or abdomen. They put pressure on the stomach. Elevate the head of your bed 6 inches by placing bricks under the bed frame. Gravity will help prevent stomach acid from moving up into esophagus as you sleep. Do not use pillows, as they tend to increase pressure on the abdomen. This is very effective home remedy for hernia. Avoid eating large meals. Eating small, frequent, bland meals to keep pressure on the esophageal sphincter. Do not eat for at least 2 hours before going to sleep. Avoid spicy and acidic foods. Do not bend over or lie down after eating. For hernia treatment avoid drinking alcohol. Avoid eating fats or high cholesterol foods that causes bloating in the abdomen. Avoid constipation, avoid straining during bowel movements and protect the back when lifting heavy objects. Gotu Kola is good for wound healing and is an effective general tonic. American Ginseng helps strengthen internal defenses. Slippery Elm and Chamomile both may be given to day old babies for curing hernia. Make up a paste of slippery elm (one dessertspoonful) mixed into chamomile tea and eat it in tiny teaspoonfuls so that each swallow coats the area. Avoid or reduce pressure on your stomach. For hernia treatment include extra fiber in the diet. Do not consume spicy foods, and do not take enzyme supplements that contain hydrochloric acid. Drink 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice in the morning and again at night. This is also very effective home remedy for hernia. Do not use peppermint within two hours of meal

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