The Nation's Health

Health Tips: Tomato: 6 super foods for women

Super Food # 4: Tomatoes (or watermelon, red grapefruit, red navel oranges)

Goal : 3 to 5 servings each week

What it does : The powerhouse nutrient in all these fruits is lycopene. And, according to Miller, while the headlines touted its protective effects against prostate cancer , more quiet research has shown it has tremendous health benefits for women as well.

“Research is starting to show that lycopene may protect against breast cancer,” Miller says. "And it’s also a powerful antioxidant that can help a woman fight heart disease. ”

The very latest research shows it may also help keep you looking younger longer by protecting against UV damage from the sun.

Research has found that people who generally live longer do so partly because of good habits. Here, i provide some of the following good habits for longevity.

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