The Nation's Health

The Best Adv About AIDS

Clip & Klar Europe 2009

TV-spots developed by the Belgian office Euro RSCG Life, have been named by the best European social campaign for HIV prevention.

LoveWithin the limits of 12 European conferences, devoted to HIV questions, Mr. Thierry Martin, the director of the organisation “Plate-forme Prevention Sida” for which these TV spots have been developed, has received a prize “Clip and Klar Europe 2009”.

This prize has been awarded jury which consisted of experts in the field of communications and representatives of the organisations struggling with distribution of a HIV.

The purpose of campaign which has been started during summer vacations of 2009, was to explain to 15-25-year-old girls and young men, homosexuals necessity of use of a condom and to push them speaking about it prior to the beginning of sexual intercourse.