The common cold is the most frequent infection in all age groups. Children especially contract a lot of colds. Colds are caused by a viral infection that effects the respiratory system. Colds often respond well to homeopathic remedies which is a tremendous advantage over modern medicine which has no cure for the common cold. Homeopaths generally advise that a cold or two every year is not a bad thing, as it “cleans out” the system and hence, the adage: don’t cure a cold, let a cold cure you. Still others say that you never know what your 'innocent/ordinary' cold might erupt into--a flu, a pneumonia? Consequently, if you see a clear remedy picture, you might be safer giving the remedy than risking what may be down the line. Jim Henson, creator of 'Sesame Street', died from a cold gone horribly wrong. If you are finding that you are having more than two colds a year it would be advised to seek help from a professional homeopath to strengthen your immune system. Homeopathy emphasises treating the underlying imbalance in the immune system rather than simply fighting the infection--although in the moment, fighting the infection may be the priority. Note that some of the remedies below say, 'for the first stage of the cold'. So, don't wait around to see what your cold is going to do, or you might miss the opportunity to give Aconite or Belladonna or some other first-stage remedy, which may have been your only chance to prescribe with confidence for the duration of the cold.
The following remedies may offer symptomatic relief so long as the remedy you choose is well indicated for your individual symptom picture.
Aconite Comes on suddenly. Fearful, restless, cheeks hot and red. First stage of cold. Caused by exposure to cold dry winds Sudden dry painful cough/croup watery mucous, sweats on uncovered parts. High fever with sensitivity to light. Thirsty, watery runny nose, possible bright red nose bleed. Fresh open air, sleep Warm stuffy roomIn the evening and at night Lying on affected side. Irritated by music, dry, cold winds. |
Allium cepa Profuse, bland, watery discharge from eyes. Nasal discharge is profuse and burning. Warm rooms aggravate, better in open air. Eyes run but the discharge is usually bland Violent sneezing. Mucous burns/corrodes top lip. Tickle in larynx, hoarseness, hacking cough worse breathing in cold air desires onions Fresh air Evening.Cold air. Stuffy room. Getting feet wet. |
Arsenicum album Complaints are usually right-sided. Watery, burning nasal discharge. Restlessness, weakness, anxiety, thirsty for sips at frequent intervals, chilly, desires company. Right nostril burns/corrodes top lip watery thin discharge, but nose feels blocked. Excessive sneezing, Irritation, tickling of the nose. Cold might move to chest. Heat, elevated head, Warm drinks, company Wet, windy weather. Midnight to 2am. Sight or smell of food. |
Belladona First stage of cold, sudden onset, high fever, red face, cold extremeties, throbbing pains, patient radiates heat. Skin hot, dry with high temperature Throbbing headache, very thirsty or not thirsty at all sore throat on right side Tickly throat, light hurts eyes Eyes glassy Eyes dilated delirious in high fever dry barking cough desires lemons or lemonade Sitting upright or standing. In warm room Jarring, movement, Noise, drafts. From lying down. After 12noon, 3PM |
Bryonia alba A Cold slow to develop, painful coughs--patient holds chest when he coughs; worse from slightest movement, dry mucus membranes and very thirsty, worse for company, worse for having to answer questions, very irritable, wants to be alone. Better for being still and quiet. cold moves into chest. A painful, dry, spasmodic cough. Left-sided headache, otherwise, right-sided complaints. From applying firm, cool pressure to head and chest. In cool surroundings For movement.Bright lights. Eating, noise and touch 9pm and 3pm. |
Dulcamara Worse from damp and cold/damp weather, worse from change of weather, worse from drafts. Thick saliva and hoarse voicePossible cold sores Thirst for cold drinks Post-nasal drip, lumbago or an Earache, watery diarrhea warm, dry air.Movement For rest.At night. Cold, damp weather |
Euphrasia The opposite of Allium Cepa: Nasal discharge is bland; discharge from the eyes is burning. Cough only in the daytime. Copious fluid from noseBursting sensation as sinuses fill. At night little pains all over body. Heat/fever descends the body, sweats only on front. Later symptoms, chilliness, loose violent cough, pressing pain under sternum. Lying down in darkened room but may feel more blocked up. For coffee From warm, windy weather. Being indoors. In the evening. Bright light. |
Ferrum phos. A cold that comes on slowly. Beginning of colds when symptoms are vague. Right-sided complaints. Mild fever may be presentMouth feels hot. Throat is red and swollen. Possible nose bleeds. Gentle exercise.Applying a cold compress to the forehead. For fresh air.In the Sun. For jarring or touch. Lying on right side. Between 4am& 6pm |
Gelsemium Cold comes on gradually. Patient's appearance: dopey, drowsy, droopy and dull. You could also add dizzy! Inclination to sleep. Apathetic. Weakness, chills run up and down back, headache starts in back of head or neck and spreads forward, heavy head, thirstless. Tiredness, heavy body sensation. Headache above nape of neck. Tickling in nose gets worse. Later running nose, watery and irritating Fresh air.movement, After urinating. Bending forward, sweating. Drinking alcohol. Before thunderstorm.Early in the morning and last thing at night. Humidity. Tobacco smoke. |
Hepar sulph Over-sensitive to pain; anxiety, irritable, angry outbursts, chilly and worse from cold, intolerant of drafts, worse uncovering a hand or a foot, swollen glands, bad odor of discharges, splinter-like pains. Cold starts with watery runny nose. Later, excessive yellow mucous with offensive-smelling discharge and sneezing. Irritability and chilliness. For wrappinghead firmly. Warm, moist environment. In cold air, draughts.Getting cold from undressing. If touched. |
Kali bichrom Second stage of cold. Thick, yellow, ropy, stringy nasal discharge. Sinusitis. Thick post-nasal drip. Thick mucous may block nose.yellow or green discharge with postnasal drip. Sinus headaches, pressure pain at root of nose. From warmth In the morning.Hot weather Getting cold from undressing. |
Natrum mur Beginning stages of a cold with sneezing. 'Egg-white' nasal discharge. Runny eyes worse in open air or wind. Sun and light aggravate. Warm, worse heat. Cold sores on lips, vesicles in mouth, cracked lips, ailments from grief. Wants to be left alone.A dislike for sympathy. Cold starts with fits of sneezing and a thin catarrhal discharge consistency of the white of a raw egg. Nose maybe blocked with tendency towards developing cold sores. Applying cold compresses to the sinuses. Fasting. Fresh open air In sea air or wet weather. Mental, physical exertion. Around 10am. Bright light or hot sun. Noise, talking, music. |
Nux vomica Cold, chills, worse slightest draft of air, ailments from over-work, irritable and angry, impatient; runny nose in the morning, obstructed at night; stomach pains, better warm drinks, constipation with ineffectual urging. Runny nose during the dayblocked at night. Overcritical of others, impulsive, chilliness, watery eyes, sneezing, headache, sore throat Sleep,warmth. Firm pressure, in the evening. Washing and warm compresses Windy, Cold, dry weather. In public places. After over-indulgence of spicy foods and stimulants such as coffee. Between 3am & 4am. |
Pulsatilla Patient is weepy and wants to be consoled. Warm and worse heat, worse sun, better walking slowly in open air, worse warm stuffy rooms, dry mouth but no thirst, worse at twilight, worse from fatty foods; bland and often greenish nasal discharge Possible nose bleedsrunny nose during the day, blocked nose at night thirstless, loss of smell Headache above eyes Crying and Sympathy.Exercise and fresh open air. Cold drinks, cold compresses. Raising hands above the head. Rich, fatty foods.Heat, In the sun. In the evening and at night. |
Rhus tox. Second stage of cold Congested nose and scratchy throat. Worse cold and cold wet weather. Better warmth and warm bathing. Stiffness and restlessness. Desires cold milk. Worse in cloudy, foggy, rainy weather; worse getting wet. Can't be still, must move. Thick, yellow/green nasal discharge with a red scratchy throat, dry cough, tickling, hoarseness. Cough prevents sleep From warmth, hot bathing.>From motion. For changing positions. Cough worse in cold room.Cold, wet, rainy weather. During sleep. |
Along with these remedies the most effective treatment is rest and plenty of fluids. To increase fluids, try hot water with lemon juice and a little honey is good for the extra vitamin C. Encourage a light diet of soups, fresh fruit, vegetables and plenty of fresh air. Recurrent colds in adults and children do require constitutional homeopathic treatments from your professional homeopath. |