The Nation's Health

Health Tips: Homeopathic Treatment

Initial Consultation

Initial homeopathic interview lasting about an hour is an extensive review of your present condition, your medical and family history, and your 'life story.' We look to understand how you experienced your life and how the impinging stressed affected you. What was it like be go through those life experiences and how did they affect you? If necessary, medical tests and requests for specialist consultations may also be ordered. In constitutional homeopathic treatment usually the first homeopathic remedy is prescribed only after subsequent 'case analysis' within just a couple of days.

After initial homeopathic treatment, follow-ups may be scheduled once a month for a few months. Afterwards, follow-ups are scheduled at longer intervals, say every three, four, six, or even more months.

Follow-up Visits

Very few cases require only one remedy. Usually there are layers of symptoms, each layer requiring a new remedy. Sometimes a new remedy is required within a month or row or the previous prescription. Sometimes a remedy may not be necessary for months or even years. Meanwhile, the previous dose continues to act, constantly strengthening the vital force, helping it to push symptoms out. During this time, we may still schedule follow-ups to insure that things continue to move in the correct direction. As you improve in the treatment, you may wish to learn the principles of health and wellbeing. To this end we offer individual consultations and group work.

Initial Reaction to Remedies

While homeopathic medicines are among the most gentle of substances with no side-effects, in some instances at the beginning of the healing process there may occur an intensified healing response in the form of a brief aggravation of symptoms, an ensuing variety of discharges, and/or a brief recurrence of some of the symptoms from the past. This takes place as the vitality of the body increases and healing activity is intensified. Such brief reactions are not unduly uncomfortable and are usually accompanied by a heightened sense of wellbeing. Benefits of Long-term, Consistent Approach

While the beneficial effects of homeopathic treatment are often incredibly intense and quick, the proper, deep results may take longer. However, even incases of severe discomfort results can appear right away.

We often come with layers of conditioned miasms which may take time to dissolve. True follow up in homeopathy is that which happens in three, five or more years. It manifests itself as improvement in the quality of life and an elevated sense of wellbeing.

Relationship of Homeopathy to Drugs, Medicine and Surgery

We encourage your continued relationship with your primary care physician or any medical specialist. Homeopathy is a complementary health care approach and it is not interchangeable with conventional medical care. The philosophy, methodology, and goals of classical homeopathic treatment are different. To compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges. Homeopathy in no way discourages you from consultations with traditional medical authorities, nor is it a substitute for such.

Classical homeopathy does not work on the level of eliminating symptoms or counteracting disease but aims to restore natural harmony and wellbeing according to homeopathic definition of health. It is not a material form of medicine and it works with the use of potentized homeopathic remedies in order to achieve this goal. Remedies are not chemicals but represent homeopathically potentized preparations of natural substances. For these reasons no medical diagnosis, prognosis, or conventional medical management is given in classical homeopathy. For medical work-up the patient is referred to his/her medical resources.

It is, however, your own responsibility to seek out the appropriate medical assistance, advice, testing, etc. At no time your work with us should be construed as a deterrent or a discouragement from seeking conventional medical care.

3.6/10 stars (2010-01-11