Your face may break out due to the changes in hormones. So even though you may feel like a teenager again, you are not alone.
There are usually early pregnancy classes that are available for you and your partner. This can help make the transition to pregnancy more real for your partner and give you both some idea of what is to come. Contact your local hospital, birth centers, midwives, childbirth educators for a list of current classes. Baby:
The hand plates become present this week, and the baby is about 7-9 mm CRL by the end of the week. The genital tubercle is present, but you can't distinguish girls from boys by sight at this point. Nasal pits are forming.
Your baby will actually go through 3 sets of kidneys, very rapidly as they develop during this period. This week the second of such sets will form.
With a transvaginal ultrasound, one study shows that 100% of the ultrasounds will be show a fetal pole with heart motion. Twin Tips:
Your diet is of particular importance with a multiple gestation. Some practitioners believe that the more weight gain you do early is a better chance you have of having healthy babies, since multiples are more likely to be born early.