Sensitive skin care is an important topic for many people. Why? Unfortunately, it is because sensitive skin is fairly common in today’s population.
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Sensitive skin is a condition that can be quite vague. For example, some people do not care for their skin properly or use harsh products. Usually, this results in some sort of ailment, leading the individuals to think that they have sensitive skin.
However, the above example is not the type of problem that this page is concerned with. Instead, this page deals with individuals who have skin reactions with only minor exposure to some sort of irritant. In this situation, the skin condition is very frustrating because the individual may be following healthy skin care procedures, but yet still suffer problems.
So then, what is sensitive skin? This condition is difficult to define. Dermatologists view it one-way, scientists another, and affected individuals another way as well. However, in general terms, sensitive skin can be defined as skin that is easily irritated and the results can range from mild to severe.