The Nation's Health

Health Tips: Vegetarians and Oral Health

Most adult vegetarians know the importance of balanced nutrition and therefore properly maintain their diet. Children, on the other hand, need a well-balanced, nutritionally complete diet for proper growth. The potential for deficiencies is greatest among children and teenagers who put themselves on vegetarian diets without knowing enough about their nutritional needs.

Some vegetarians, particularly vegans (those who do not consume any food or drink of animal origin), can experience deficiencies in calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin, vitamin B12 or complete proteins. This can put them at greater risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Studies show that by eating the right amount of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, vegans can get the nutrients they need. Taking a multi vitamin daily also is a good idea.

Vegetarian diets and diets in which fruit comprises more than two-thirds of the total food intake also make individuals more susceptible to dental erosion. Frequent vomiting and acid reflux, both of which can introduce stomach acid into the mouth, also can cause dental erosion.

If you are considering adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet, first consult with your dentist and/or nutritionist to learn how to make smart food substitutions to ensure you are getting all necessary nutrients.

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