Almonds are predominately a sweet tasting nut, though there is a more bitter tasting strain that is rarely consumed, that is found mainly in the Mediterranean and the colder more rugged regions of Asia such as Afghanistan and Kashmir. But there culinary influence is felt right round the world and through the ages too, they are mentioned in literature as far back as Shakespeare and are used in cooking all round the world. This suggests a thriving export market going back centuries. It also means that Almonds are easy to find no matter where you are in the world.
In India and Afghanistan they are more often as not used as a cashew substitution and are used as ingredient in sauces and dishes such as kormas.
Almonds are used for their protein giving qualities and should be consumed particularly as part of specific protein diets. Most popularly they are baked into almond cakes and as such are popular, tasty and healthy deserts, indeed for cake fiends there can be no more healthy treat for your passion!! They are also often ground up into a cream for an equally delicious pudding.
In the Asian countries where they predominant almonds are also commonly served as drinks, ground, crushed and creamed and turned into a healthy nutrionitial and cooling drink with particular special value for children. The Qualities of Almond:
Almonds when they are shelled and consumed in their raw nut form are amazingly healthy and have great benefits particularly in lowering both cholesterol and blood sugar levels and if you are susceptible to these disorders they are highly recommended to be eaten in this way as a health control.
Almonds are able to perform this function because in their make-up there is an unusually amount of healthy fibre with cleanses the metabolism and in doing so performs control and are also cholesterol free. These metabolism regulating qualities also mean the frequent consumption of raw almonds are a fine and truly healthy way to lose weight. Result of intake of Almond Badam
Raw almonds, despite all these health-giving qualities, should only be consumed with great care.
They are only able to give the consumer all these positive qualities when they are in absolute fresh and tip-top shape and they should only be consumed when they are to be found in this state, because even if they are eaten when they are only slightly off they give off a noxious taste which can induce sickness and mild ill health after eating.
So always check that your almonds are absolutely fresh before purchasing them and as they are unsuitable for refrigeration they should be consumed, either shelled and raw or cooked up into a creamy desert or drink, almost immediately upon buying them.