Scientific Name: Curcuma longa Family: Zingiberaceae Common Name: Turmeric Part Used: Rhizomes
Chemical constituents: The principle constituent of turmeric is Curcumin, which is a diferuloyl methane. Other constituents are curcuminoids and an essential oil called zingiberine. Its chemical study shows that it contains proteins, carbohydrates and fibre. Its mineral and vitamin contents are calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine and niacin.
Uses: Curcumin is the part of turmeric that gives curry food its golden color. This also provides turmeric with curcuminoids, which are believed to have health properties such as antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. Turmeric benefits have been known for centuries and have always been an important part of Chinese herbal medicine and also the Ayurvedic medicine of India. This natural food is believed to support liver health, help prevent bad cholesterol, and it is being studied for its ability to block tumors.
A strong antioxidant, turmeric is rich with a substance believed to protect body cells from damage caused by oxidation. Oxygen free radicals may suppress immune function and cause tissue damage. In addition to their anticancer effects, antioxidants in turmeric protect the brain, kidneys, and liver from damage by alcohol, drugs, radiation, heavy metals or chemicals.
For skin problems, turmeric ointment, or a paste made from powdered turmeric is applied directly to the skin, as often as needed. It’s used to treat cuts, scrapes, and skin conditions such as acne, diaper rash, and psoriasis. Mixing Turmeric essential oil with jojoba is also an efficient way to control eczema and eliminate spots.