The Nation's Health

Vitamins for Pregnant Women

A pregnant woman has to have proper nutrition. If she is a working women, then all the more reason that she needs to eat right. Diet and vitamins play a vital role in ensuring that the baby is born healthy.

A pregnant woman is not eating for herself, but also for somebody else. The child within her body requires proper nutrition for proper development. Any neglect on this front causes deformities. The child can be born with permanent physical and mental deformities.

Vitamins for pregnant women Below are some of the top requirements of Vitamins for pregnant women:

* Folic acid is very essential. * Iron is also essential. * Vitamin A also is required. * Beta-carotene. It is not toxic when taken in high doses. * Omega-3 fatty acids. Extra amount of this lifts depression and is also beneficial in preventing cancer, heart diseases etc. This is available in walnuts, flaxseeds, salmon, green leafy vegetables. * Calcium is available in fortified soy milk, cereals as well as juices fortified with calcium. * Iron is available in liver, meat seafood, prune juice, dry beans, wheat germs, soy nuts as well as grains. * Protein. * Vitamin C can be had in citrus fruits as well juices, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

What kind of diet must a pregnant women have?

* Plenty of fruits as well as vegetables. * Whole-grain wheat bread. * Foods low in protein such as tofu, red meat, beans, fish as well as poultry.

Pre-natal vitamin is essential for the healthy growth of the baby. A pregnant woman has to pay an extra attention to her diet in order to ensure that the child within her womb does not develop birth defects.

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