As I said last month, I felt that Diagnosis: LOB was getting a little stale. Not so much in the posts but in the name and what it stood for. Like everything, things change and what I set out to do certainly changed. My initial plan was to share the funny jobs and see what happens! I wanted to talk about the Load Of Bollocks that we sometime have to go to but over the months I found that there was much more I was talking about. Thoughts, feeling, opinions all came flooding out into my writing and the title of my blog didn't reflect how I was now writing.
I came up with loads of ideas for a new name and whittled it down to 3. As my readers are the people who have kept me writing I decided to let you decide. Typically, the 2 names I couldn't decide between got the exact same number of votes so I was back to square one! So here were are! On the toss of a coin my blog is now called Trying My Patients. If you don't like it, well.....tough. My blood pressure has raised quite sufficiently to warrant not changing it again for at least a year!!
The website itself looks different and will be evolving as the days goes by so bare with me. Any ideas for the artwork / photo will be greatly appreciated! Thank again for your continued support!