“19 year old, assault, head injury”

There are times in your life where you just have to say ‘whatever’ and move on. Be it with family relationships, spouses, work or whilst trying to argue your point to an Indian call centre; sometimes the point comes in any uphill battle where you just give up and walk away. Today was one of those moments.
We were called to a park by the police for a guy who had been in a fight. We arrived to a sea of blue lights, lots of coppers and various chavs scattered around. As we got out the cab a couple of cops came wandering towards us with our patient. ‘Patient’ is probably too kind... specimen is more appropriate.
He was wearing some beige chinos which were elasticated around the ankles, some navy blue Toms with no socks and the most garish of Ralph Lauren polo shirts in the most ghastly mustard yellow colour. To go with this rotten ensemble he had a huge diamond (fake) stud in each ear, a gold cross round his neck (he so isn’t religious), an Omega watch (fake) too big for his skinny wrist and various tacky sovereign rings on his fingers. To top it off he went with one of these new types of baseball caps, I think they are called ‘Lidz’ and was wearing it to one side. He walked with what looked like a limp but I am reliable informed this is called a ‘bop’, he had lines shaved into his eyebrows and when he spoke he sounded like a cartoon character with something sticky stuck in his larynx with an awful grasp of the English language. Anyhoo, he ‘bopped’ past us in his handcuffs, up the steps and into the ambulance.
The copper told us he had been punched, hence the cut above his eye but that was all they knew. He also told us that he had a chip on his shoulder and a hatred for all uniforms.
“Good luck!”
Well, this should be fun!
“Right, what’s happened this evening?”
“You tell me, innit”
“Well I don’t know, I just arrived, that’s why I am asking you.”
“You’re the doctor.” he said in a very cocky tone.
“No I’m not, just tell me what’s happened.”
“You tell me.”
“Have you been punched?”
“You tell me.”
“Did you lose consciousness?”
“You tell me.”
“Why won’t you answer any of my questions?”
“You tell me”
“You’re acting like a child, just answer my questions and you can leave.”
“What did you say to me bruvs? WHAT...DID...YOU...SAY?”
“I said you’re acting like a child.”
“Don’t test me bruvs, I will cut you.”
I looked up at the copper and raised an eyebrow. He laughed!
“Firstly, I’m not your ‘bruvs’, secondly, you’re not going to do anything, now just tell me what’s happened.”
“You tell me” he chuckled to himself.
“Do you want us to treat you or not?”
“You tell me BRUVS.”
“We are done here.” I said to the copper, “He’s acting like a child.”
“Don’t step to me bruvs, I’ll end you, you fucked with da wrong nigga innit (he was white), you bes watch your back, I’ll be der waiting, do you know me, do you KNOW me?”
“You tell me...”
With that, he was grabbed by the handcuffs and dragged off the ambulance, staring at me the entire time. As he reached the bottom step he spat towards me and kissed his teeth. All that did was get him bundled to the floor. What a foul little animal.

When did our youth end up like this? Why is there such little respect for any uniform? The Nanny-state we live in has allowed this Chav culture to breed and fester. They have quickly become well regarded as the rednecks of Britain. They have far too many rights; they know the law and the police can do very little. Parents do nothing to stop it and even schools allow it to continue. There is no discipline anymore; back chatting is tolerated and every figure of authority faces a struggle to impose themselves on these thugs. It makes me so angry looking at them, listening to them and being around them. Watching the death of the English language is horrible to see and a stand needs to be made before it becomes irreversible. Can you imagine these cretins working in the media; presenting TV programs & writing articles?!
“Yes bruvs, welcome to the News at 10. Safe.”
Their intimidation and aggression strikes fear amongst many and their threats of violence means they mostly go unchallenged and avoided. They hang around street corners drinking and smoking; generally causing a nuisance to all that go near them. They are parasites and should be treated as such. This ‘culture’ needs stopping in its tracks.
Now, where do we start? You tell me...