"Bunch of parents being dangerous and selfish"

Being on a rest day I actually got to do the school run for a change. I took the car because a) the weather was grim and b) I had somewhere to be after I dropped the boy off at school. I turned up, parked about 50 meters down the road and walked him into school. As I passed the yellow Zig-Zags with huge KEEP CLEAR letters written on the road a car pulled in and parked. The mother got out, got her child out and walked in to school.
"You can't park there." I said.
"Well I have." she said as she started walking off.
"Not only is it illegal, it's incredibly dangerous and selfish. Read the sign."
"How about you mind your own fucking business."
"How about you mind your language."
With that, she raised her chubby middle finger at me and walked off. Parenting at its best! Why is it so hard to NOT park on the 20 meter stretch of road?!
It really really winds me up and there is sod all I can do about it. There are no teachers or school staff outside stopping it, there are no police or PCSO's outside stopping it so it just continues. Obviously, I don't expect the police to waste resources on it but surely something can be done. Why do these parents show such disregard for a) the law and b) the safety of children. They are there for a reason and I have been to several children injured because of it.
To make my point I busted out the camera and took 3 photos while arriving and leaving:

This is the woman with the mouth like a toilet.

Culprit number two as I was leaving. Why walk when you can park?!

There was a legal space opposite but it needed parallel parking. Long!
All it is, is selfish laziness. Nothing more, nothing less. Pig headed ignorance. If all other parents who drive can park legally, a little further down the road why can't these morons do the same?!
I've written a letter to the school about it and hope something will be done. Do you have a similar problem at your school? Please share you thoughts! Am I over reacting?! Personally, I'd like to see zero tolerance. Park on school zig zags and if there is evidence of it, your car is crushed and you get 6 points on your licence. That'll soon stop it!

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