"38 year old female, feeling hot"

Now, the question is, was she feeling hot because she was unwell and her core temperature has risen slightly? Or was she simply hot because it was a hot day? Or maybe she just had too many layers on? OR she was wearing little black dress and killer heels and as such, simply felt HOT and wanted to share this?! Hmmmm, the former was most likely but the latter would amuse me greatly! I headed round to the address anticipating this medical emergency with baited breath!
'Good morning my dear, what's the problem today?'
'I feel really hot'
'In what way?'
'I just feeling really hot'
'Any other symptoms at all?'
'And what did your GP say?'
'That it wasn't an emergency so I couldn't have an appointment until Thursday.'
'I see, did they advise calling an Emergency Ambulance?'
'No, but I didn't know what else to do'

'OK, let me just take your temperature............36.7, it's fine'
'Yeah I know, I already took it.'
'Well I'll check you over but without any symptoms there's not much I can treat.'
'I reckon it's because I'm due on my period. I normally get hot flushes before it starts.'
And that is how my week started! Wearing green, living the dream, saving lives and making a difference.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King