"30 year old female, stepping away from the madness"

Right, cards on the table! I haven't been publishing much of late as many of you have noticed! It isn't because I have nothing to write about. I have a list of almost 100 posts to write up. It isn't really in issue of time. I have plenty of it if I'm honest. It isn't that I don't enjoy writing. I do. This job is funny at times. Months can pass as if nothing has happened but equally, a day can pass and it can feel like everything has happened. I use this blog to share my experiences, vent my frustrations and in many ways, use it as a self help therapy to get some of the bad stuff off my chest. Sometimes though, you can share too much.
The last few months have dealt me some pretty horrendous jobs and as much as I could write about them in detail, some of them I just don't want to re-live through. As someone who likes to reflect on everything that happens to me, it puts me between a rock and a hard place! I want to write about them, but I don't. When I try to write about other things, they don't seem as compelling as the things in the back of my head! So, the result is I don't post anything and just have fun for a while!
I've finished work each day and not given work a moments thought until my alarm goes off the next day! My rest days have been filled with non-work related stuff, no blogging, and trips away! I celebrated my 30th birthday with friends and family and now feel thoroughly recharged. I always said from the start that this blog was for me, and I would write for as long as I enjoyed it. Well, I wrote a post yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it!
A prolonged break from time to time is what has kept me blogging for three years, so hopefully, all things considered I should be back posting with regularity! There are plenty of posts coming up, there is the matter of the MAD Blog Awards 2014 in September and as of last week, I found out I've been short listed for a Brilliance In Blogging Award for Best Health Blog!
Talking of the BiB's, I NEED VOTES! Please go and vote for me! I'm one of 16 shortlisted and would love to be a finalist for the first time!

Anyway, that's the begging out the way! Thank you for all your continued support!
Much love
Ella xx