Women love baby powder, also known as talc or talcum. It is a fact. We do. It makes us feel fresh and our skin is so soft. Or on the other side if you have a baby. Chances are you have baby powder. It is important that you know some of the facts about it. Before using it again. Why? Because unknowingly we are harming ourselves or our loved ones. We have no clue about it. As someone that did use it. I was shocked at discovering this.

Talcum can cause cancer So now you will make an educated choice when you think of buying talc. I know many women who use it. I guess most households have it. But now after what I discovered. I am the first one to make sure they know the risks.
So why am I so concerned? Because baby powder can cause cancer. Yes this lovely fragrant powder has something really dangerous as one of it's ingredients. It has asbestos. Asbestos is extremely dangerous for health. Women can get ovarian cancer just from the use of talc. Breathing the powder can cause lung cancer. Even though many companies claim their products are asbestos free, not all can prove it. On the website Asbestos.com baby powder is named as a health risk for cancer. On numerous cancer sites, again baby powder is named as a possible cause of cancer. Are you willing to put your loved ones as risk? Or yourself.
So the next time you see it and think of buying it. You know the risks. Please share so others know it too. Feel free to comment or contact us if you have any thoughts.