If you are a regular visitor to HealthBlog you would have seen we have a few posts for growing hair naturally and stopping hair loss. But here I am going to write yet again about another natural way to improve your hair's growth. But also stop hair loss. Why again another post you may ask? Allow me to explain it. But first, why do we lose hair?
When ever your body is in tension hair loss is one of the ways your body responds. Stress cause an imbalance in hormones. But as you may have realized on HealthBlog we pride ourselves in giving a natural and effective solution for hair troubles.
If you do follow the advice given your hair troubles will be over. This method stimulates hair growth. Guava leaves gives your hair the much needed nutrients your hair need. The vitamin I am talking about is Vitamin B. Very important in hair growth.
The effect
Your hair will be more structured. Hair loss will be reduced and the hair follicles will become stronger.
Using guava leaves
Take a handful of guava leaves and boil it on 20 liters water. Leave it to cool down at room temperature. Now use this infused water and massage your scalp. Leave it on your hair for a few hours and then rinse it off.
For overnight remedy
You can put a shower cap over your hair. This way your hair will absorb more moisture and nutrients. See the difference over time.
I hope this advice helps you. If you have any advice or thoughts. Feel free to contact us or comment. Please share this so others can benefit from it too