It has been called the juice that can kill cancer cells. Treats lower blood pressure, Prevents diabetes and lower blood pressure. What can be so healthy and yet many don't know about it's wondrous health properties.

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Potatoes. Not only tasty but just as good as a health juice.
How many of us know how healthy potatoes are. But did you know the juice is just as healthy if not more. It is a great form of prevention against diabetes, hypertension, gastritis and other serious health risks. But remember we are talking of potatoes raw not cooked or baked. According to experts potato juice is very beneficial for health.
Natural energy booster
It is even suggested as a natural cure for gastritis. If you suffer from fatigue you can make yourself a cup of the energy booster. You just take a medium sized potato a few apples and carrots. Once daily and see how your energy levels replenish within two weeks.
Benefits of potato juice
It is an immunity booster, detox the body, treat different type of skin diseases. Helps deal with stomach issues. Decreases blood sugar level. Helps in the treatment of kidney and liver diseases. Protects your body against cardiovascular disease.
Potato shells or peels
It helps detox your body. Is a great source of nutrients. It contains Vitamin C and B6, protein, potassium, zinc, magnesium and iron. Also very high in carbohydrates. But when cooked the vitamin C is reduced. But when you think that raw potato contains about 45 of your daily requirements. It is an interesting fact that even I wasn't aware of.
Skin problems
Potato aids in the treatment of skin problems. The effect will be radiant clean skin that is free from acne. Is a great antiseptic for skin. Because of the Vitamin C content it will help prevent premature ageing.
Grinding a potato and applying it on your face is a great natural face mask. Your skin will be tighter and clear. Also potato help in the fight against cellulite. Just by rubbing potato on the affected area.
Potato juice
So how do you make the juice? Start by washing and cleaning potatoes. REMOVE ANY GREEN PARTS AND SPROUTS AS IT IS TOXIC. Slice your potato and wrap the potato in a gauze to squeeze the juice out. Or you can use your juicer if you have one. Always use fresh juice. Never leave it for the next time. You can add your favourite fruits and g vegetables, like apples, carrots, lemon juice and honey will make a nice compliment for the juice. Now to quote a famous Buddhist monk Tomizawa that had this to say about potato. "The road to a healthy lifestyle: Cancer is nothing to fear." From what the monk said 2 cups of potato juice daily is a great help in the treatment of cancer and other dangerous diseases.