In recent years, the percentage of overweight and obesity has become a real cause for concern. As a nation, Americans will get fat! According to the National Center for Health Statistics, more than 34 percent of Americans are obese, compared with 32.7 per cent overweight. Of greater concern are currently 12500000 children are overweight in the United percent, more than 17 states. Children are overweight have a greater risk of serious health problems. Although these statistics are alarming, we can take action to ensure that we do not become a statistic. This situation is not in vain.Each of us can do our part to promote healthy eating and the right to prevent and overcome obesity in this country to exercise.
Food pyramid promoted by the Food and Drug Administration that consists of four basic groups of aging. In 1992 the FDA began to review this schedule to focus on healthy food rich in vegetables, lean meats and low-processed, high glycemic carbohydrates. The following examples nutritional guidelines to help you make better food choices
Food focus (Priority 1)
Healthy vegetables - 4-9 servings per day, for example: carrots, green beans, broccoli, spinach, asparagus and other green vegetables. 1 / 2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw = 1 servingHealthy Protein - 2-4 servings per day, for example: village cheeses, seafood, meat and poultry without skin, 3 to 4 grams or 1 / 2 cup = 1 servingHealthy fats - 2-6 servings per day, for example: 1 tsp. olive oil or sesame oil 2-3 tbsp.nuts and seeds, or 1 / 4 avocadoHealthy Carbohydrates - 1 to 4 servings per day, such as pears, apples, dates, oranges, and cherries, milk, yogurt, beans, wheat, rice bran, cassava, potatoes and pasta al Dente (firm to the bite), 1 / 2 cup = 1 serving
Some Food NutritionSimple carbohydrates foods: 2 to 4 servings per day, for example, apricots, papaya, fresh pineapple and raisins, 1 / 2 cup = 1 servingHigh carbohydrate foods - these foods should be limited to one meal a day, for example, white rice and cereal, ½ cup = 1 serving. Choose long grain or brown rice and cereals
Foods to eat to saveSugar-based products and food, for example, sugar, sweets, sweets, processed foodsHealth benefits of fruits and vegetables known and famous. Research Ministry of Health and Human Services, U. S. Ministry of Agriculture and the National Academy of Sciences shows that the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, low fat food fat, saturated and cholesterol more whole-grain bread and cereals, may increase the risk of heart disease and cancer. Try 5 pounds or 50 pounds to lose, these statistics provide incentives for change.
There is no doubt that fruits and vegetables offer nutritional aspects of protection.Now, using waterless cookware, you can change the effect of food. Did you know that without the broth to 98% of the minerals while reducing the time to cook food, how to destroy an average of 42% conventional mineral from food?
You can also enjoy this wonderful way of cooking with various layers of stainless steel without the water / fat-free cooking. Food cooked by dry technology helps the largest percentage of the natural health giving vitamins and minerals as food, water soluble nutrients are dissolved and subsequently lost when food is cooked in water. No need to peel! Cooking with the cookware eliminating the need for water and nutrient-rich skin feeling skin. For fruits and vegetables the most, scrub gently is all that is needed for cooking.
The biggest favor you can do for your family is to provide maximum food food. Food cooked in slow fire with a minimum of moisture is to feel better. Fruits and vegetables to maintain color palate, the meat can be grilled in the kitchen and into a soft, tasty and delicious. And you can cook without oil or fat to reduce calories and cholesterol.
The Nation's Health