Nutrition Articles For Teenagers. Have you ever wondered what some of the best nutritional tips, and how tosuccessfully lose weight and become healthier? There is a food magazine articles,several books, etc. .. but how do you know what foods are best? In this article, I listedthree tips that will jump start your weight loss program. This is part of a series that willallow you to achieve weight loss and health, so you do not have to find other articles offood.
Tip # 1
Journal. Each journal familiar day what you eat, what portion size, what time you eat,how you feel emotionally (bored, tired, hungry, busy, etc. ..), the exercise you do,weight and measurements, and daily goals you. This helps keep you accountable andletting you know your habits and where change can happen.
Tip # 2
Balance. Like anything in life, you need a balanced diet. Having a cheat day, why notintroduce healthy foods that you like in your lifestyle. If you like ice, allow yourself to ice(right) twice a week to eat. This allows you to stick with foods you want, but inmoderation. After the ice, for example, will be twice a week, not every day to save afew calories, but you can enjoy your favorite dishes.
Tip # 3
Fuel your body throughout the day. Eat every three hours between meals and snacksto take the edge off hunger and help from overeating at meals. Pie low sugar yogurt,dry cereal and trail mix of nuts, cheese and crackers, peanut butter or cheese withfresh fruit, and down-and-go items to include healthy carbohydrates and