The Nation's Health

Healthy Menu Worksheet (Healthy Menu For Kids)

Healthy Menu For Kids. Many parents find it difficult to plan a weekly menu for their children's food, which is why they can pass it all. What they do not know is that the food is designed to have more opportunities to be healthy, as opposed to foods that are not planned.

Create a menu that is easy if you follow a systematic about it. To get started, create graphs or tables where you can write articles for eating it. A small sign bit e in the kitchen can work well, because you can only use the contents of each week.Alternatively, blank cards that you can fill out and change weekly. You can stick on your refrigerator for easy access. If you write things easier for you to see what you have is what is lacking and where you can add variety.

After you finish, you can start with individual food. All breakfast is the first article, followed by lunch and dinner, or what you feel, as long as you work on one area at a time. When you think about what other ideas might come to you, so it would be better to start with one food at a time, until your mind is set on one thing.

If you have any meal plan, to ensure that you cover every area, thinks about what the food contains. If you're serving meat with side dishes of vegetables, so the protein and vegetables. If you eat less something that you can try and make up for. If the meat and vegetables then you have some fruit and milk. Up to this topic yogurt with fruit for dessert. Remember that a balanced diet is not always all in one dish. You can always add something to balance it all.

Another thing that many kids complain about when it comes to eating is to have the same food all the time. Mapping of the diet can help children avoid serving the same thing over and over again. If you serve chicken for lunch then you might want to fish or pork for dinner. Try something different at each meal to prevent your children tired of the cause.

A good thing to do is to play things that deal with patterns such as chicken, fish, beef pork, and can work well. You can also special days such as Friday the international cuisine of pasta or a weekend. It gives your kids something to look forward.

Below is a two-day sample menu:


Day 1

Muesli and Fruit Bowl
Fresh fruit juice or milk
D Chicken quesadillas with guacamole
Sliced ​​melons
Strong plants Pasta with tuna, tomato sauce
Mango crumble
Water or fresh juice
Fruit Man

Day 2

Spinach and Cheese Omelet
Bagel or biscuit
Minestrone soup
Bake the slices of wheat
Super Chicken Caesar Grilled Cheese Fancy
Banana Cake
Water or fresh juice
Fruit Juice Popsicles