Health Living. Nutrition and dietary supplements from a variety of plants, animals or minerals. Their role is to food in the body - the material is lost or below the normal concentration in the body, or higher concentrations are needed for different purposes: to increase muscle mass, burn fat, anti-oxidants.
Often these simple foods can not supply we need them in the body. In general, dietary supplements are not harmful to the organism, they compensate the body's needs. They must even in foods that are broad and do not need to change the food. It is better to ask a doctor before starting a dietary supplement, especially if you have suffered or suffer from disease. Read the prospectus of items purchased and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
One of the known natural product that burden the body with natural energy bee pollen.
As an additional complex, bee pollen benefits provided by a variety of nutrients needed for the body, including: more than 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, 28 minerals, 14 fatty acids that are useful.
This additive is absorbed by the body in less than two hours after ingestion, and then traces of pollen can be found in the urine, blood or cerebrospinal fluid, which states that bee pollen supplements to work quickly.
The benefits of bee pollen:
This advantage can be seen after you eat bee pollen for several weeks:
1. Bee pollen carrying energy intake, a complete illustrated especially for those who have recovered from surgery.
2. Pollen helps the body to resist stress or contaminants that enter the body through food each day.
3. Strengthens the immune system and improve the health of muscles and joints.
4. Pollen comes to helping those who want to lose weight because your body the amount of sugar.
5. Increase the side effects caused by radiotherapy in patients with cancer
Other extra organic chlorella, unicellular algae with a high percentage of chlorophyll, vitamins, proteins, amino acids and trace elements. Due to the nature of healing, based on additional Chlorella strengthens the immune system.
Chlorella additional benefits:
1. Chlorella improve general health and immune system, in particular, by eliminating waste and pesticides from the body, ingested through food.
2. These additives improve digestion, treat people who suffer from constipation.
3. His multi-vitamin and nutrition will be the power of concentration.
4. And your skin will benefit if you supplement with Chlorella, because the pH balance of skin, makes skin glow.
5. In addition, you get rid of bad breath by helping to eliminate bacteria in the mouth and improving digestion.