It is fun to travel but for some people it is more than fun. There are many people who travel not just as hobby but also as a professional traveler. Traveling not always fun especially if your skin is sensitive. We all want to save our complexion and save ourselves from skin problems even if we are traveling for holidays.

Skin Care tips for TravellersOther people are reading: How to Prevent Infections after Bone Marrow Transplant
Today I am going to share the top 3 skin care tips for travelers and for everyone who travels.
what you need
- Blotting sheets
- Face sunscreen
- Hand sanitizer
- Healthy snacks
- Lip balm
- Skincare products
- Water bottle
1. Prepare For It
The best thing is to get yourself in the best shape if you are planning a holiday trip or just a trip. You can easily achieve this by practicing good healthy habits or diligent skin.
- Don`t use any product on your skin, always use only what work best for you.
- Cleanse daily two times in morning and in evening using a really gentle cleanser to stop breaking out.
- Prefect sleep is helpful also, drink more water and eat fresh produce or homemade food.
- Reduce sugar, say no to processed foods and avoid alcohol.
2. Pack Your Usual Products
Only use trusted skincare products no matter you are on trip or not. Never go for travel-size skincare set just if you getting it on some offer. Use only what suits your skin. While traveling keep TSA-approved liquid to cover the trip.
3. Traveling By Air
It can be most challenging when you travel by air. Air in airplane cabins can take moisture our of your skin and leave you with dry skin. But you can do following things to protect your skin.
Use hydrating product before your flight such as oil.
Lips is the first thing which start losing moisture, so wear a good lip balm.
Avoid powder, concealer, foundation and face makeup. If you still wants to use makeup than use a lipstick and mascara.
Wear SPF to keep yourself safe from UV rays as while flight you are more close to Sun.
Drink water and avoid alcohol as alcohol cause dehydration.
Never eat healthy snacks offered by the airline. Only eat fruits and Unsalted nuts.
In case of oily skin keep blotting paper to remove sebum from skin.
I believe these 3 skin care tips are going to be really helpful for the travelers. If you still have any question, feel free to ask me. Don``t forget to like us on Facebook or subscribe WHB newsletter.