For those of you who have been frustrated in trying to get your lipoprotein analysis performed, here's another option.
The Life Extension Foundation at provides access to the VAP test, or Vertical Auto Profiler. This is the lipoprotein test run by the Atherotech company in Birmingham, Alabama. The name refers to the method used, a form of centrifugation, or high-speed spinning of your blood (plasma) to separate the various components by density.
This is a fine technique that works well. Though our preferred method is NMR (, Liposcience Inc.), the Atherotech VAP is a reasonable alternative.
If you go through the Life Extension process, they will direct you to blood draw sites in your area. They charge $185 for Life Extension members, $247 for non-members. (Membership in Life Extension costs $75.) Drawback: No billing for health insurance reimbursement.
A full description of the significance of lipoproteins can also be found in my article posted on-line at the website at