I made my own cheese!!A few weeks ago I was reading some of the blogs that I follow and a couple happened to talk about making your own cheese and how easy it was. Naturally I thought that would be fantastic and a savings to my buying addiction to good fresh cheese, especially mozzarella. Online I found a kit that seemed pretty easy to follow, bought some whole milk, and got started. The first time around was a MAJOR fail. It didn't even make good ricotta.
A couple weeks later a decided to have a go of it again, and this time there was success! I think the key was paying close attention to the temperatures at given points. The next time I think I'm going to try a herbed variety - could be pretty fun. This may become a every few weeks sort of occurrence.
Since I did use a kit, I'm not going to share the recipe, but I will show pictures. :)
Start with a gallon of whole milk. Add some enzymes and acid to create curds.Heat the curds and stretch like taffy... and viola. FRESH MOZZARELLA CHEESE!!!