Since I arrived back in Albuquerque New Year's Eve, there have been some ups and downs. Since I'd rather get bad news out of the way first: my car has become a money pit... such is life I suppose. Aside from that however, it's been mostly ups. At work I moved in to my new office - pretty fab, tried some new restaurants I really enjoy (pics below), gone on a couple outdoor adventures, and was lucky to have cute company for a number of these.
Since I'd rather do a brief commentary instead of a long narrative, this is the run down:
Split these two dishes back in December at Romano's Macaroni Grill - Scallop Salad and Sea Bass One of my favorite places for breakfast type food in Albuquerque is still Flying Star Cafe - here I got a frittata with a deconstructed gazpacho salad. For a birthday lunch, my department went to The Grove - I got a grilled turkey sandwich and fruit, but their cupcakes were certainly tempting. Another time I suppose. A Friday night the started at Zinc Cellar Bar led to dinner at B2B bistronomy - I got a black bean burger with goat cheese and sun dried tomatoes (yum!). They just opened in November, but I already like their burger (BB) and beer selection is pretty decent too. Having nothing to do with food - this past weekend was snow shoeing! Only 4 miles, but tiring and definitely a different workout. The week before I went skiing for the first time in about 8 years (I feel A LOT the first run). And I didn't get any pictures! Kind of kicking myself (I'll do better next time).My goal is to get outside doing something each weekend - hopefully some hikes (when it's warm enough) and fingers crossed for another shot at skiing this season. In my last post I mentioned that I'd give some more insight as to what I've been doing with my fitness lately - aside from hitting the gym in the morning, I've been incorporating a hot yoga class once a week, running stairs, and doing crossfit every weekend (I am definitely hooked on it).
I apologize for my posts being less than consistent lately - I have been mulling over a rebranding of my blog, which could mean a different title and host server. The content would be largely the same with a little more emphasis on food and fitness with occasional lifetime updates (bi-monthly most likely). The structural aim would be one food and one fitness post each week, to keep me on track and consistent.