Have you ever had a sandwich that just sings? Of course not literally, but feels like the perfect melody and lyrics rolled in to one for your taste buds. It should be the perfect mix of tangy, creamy, chewy bread, and a last pop of something at the end.
As I've mentioned writing before, I love to make my own bread, but haven't as much in the most recent past. This sandwich changed that. I had a mix of oats and seeds bread mix from Meadow Farm Foods that my mom sent with me during my move which I decided to finally bake. The cranberry chutney for this is actually different from my normal Cranberry Chutney and called for added onions, garlic, and other ingredients for a more savory flavor.
The bread:
I got the recipe from here.
On the bottom piece of bread I layered smoked turkey slices and brie, then slid that half under the broiler to melt the cheese. Next I topped the sandwich with ~1/4 c. cranberry chutney and the second piece of bread. One last pop in to the oven to broil and toast the bread for a crunchy finish and viola!
A week late but think about trying this with your leftovers next year!