Last week, I went over to a friend's house and picked... lots and lots of apples. Six bags to be exact. What could one person do with all those apples? Make nearly ever recipe using some kind of apple product. :) You all are so lucky! I already couldn't wait to share the Apple Oat Scones, put now I promise to go in some kind of order. The first item on the list was apple sauce (of which the recipe is just ingredients to dump in to a pot).
Apple tree bent over from all the apple weight. |
Cut apples in to slices (no need to remove the peel)
Fill a pot 2/3 to 3/4 full of apple slices
Pour in 1-2 cups of water
Season with cinnamon and nutmeg
Add some dark (buckwheat hone) if apples are very tart
Six bags of apples!!! |
*I did not actually go through a canning process, so these are not shelf stable and must be frozen for long term use.
All total I made 18 jars of apples sauce... I think that's enough to last me a few months...