The goal of the “Part of Your Routine” campaign is to encourage teens and young adults to get regular STD testing and simply make it part of their normal routine in their lives. STD rates in Douglas County are now at historic levels. Since 1998, the incidence of chlamydia in Douglas County has more than doubled and is over 30 percent higher than the national average. Gonorrhea in Douglas County is 50 percent higher than the national average. Sadly, these numbers are highest among those ages 15 to 24.
Media is being placed in areas to target teens and young adults where they live, work, play -- like college bars, campuses, restaurants, bar bathrooms, mobile devices, social media, movie theaters, etc. Each placement has a checklist of routine activities that corresponds to the medium and location that it is running in. With the only common item on every checklist being STD testing.
"The goal with our STD prevention marketing up until now has been to rip the band-aid off and get people talking about STD's and the problem in Omaha. To remove the cone of silence that's been around this closeted issue for decades.," explains Serve Volunteer Creative Director, Gary Mueller. " Now that we have everyone's attention, we feel it's time to change the dialogue about STD's and destigmatize the idea of getting checked."
The media campaign consists of outdoor, university newspapers, displays on college campuses, movie theater ads, bathroom ads, posters on campuses and high schools, and social media and digital banners targeting college students. The campaign runs August 31 through the end of September in the Omaha market. Upcoming executions include partnering with bars in the local area to use custom coasters and table tents with this messaging. The campaign directs teens and young adults to get more information at
Creative Director: Gary Mueller
Copywriter: Evan Stremke
Art Director: Alexandria Hall
Account Executive: Heidi Sterricker
Production Managers: Rob Birdsall / Stacey Soden
Media Buyer/Planners: Tina Wraalstad / Michael Logterman / Kelsey Mattai
Social Media: Alex Boeder / Lauren Wagner