If you have tension stress or a headache You can consider this very natural method. As the picture shows you should hold your thumb and index finger on the fleshy part. Squeezing it.

30 Seconds of acupuncture can help with tension or headache relief: eAskmeOther people are reading: Deep Oiling Treatment for Healthier and Fast Growing Hair
This spot is known as the Hoku spot. By activating this spot you will feel relief from tension and headaches. Well known in the world of acupuncture
Doing this for 30 seconds can relieve stress and help with relief from headaches.
Or you can press and hold until you feel relief from the aches or tension you should feel your muscles relax and relief from pain.
This shows that acupuncture itself can work wonders in natural health.
Do you know about this method? You have any other advise of what can be done for tension relief or headaches in acupuncture? We will love to hear from our readers.