If you are looking for a deep oiling treatment for your hair. Then I have just the method for you. The benefits? Your hair will grow faster, Preventing breakage. Helps deal with dandruff. Also if you have to deal with hair loss. This products will help with that. As it promotes healthy scalp and hair. Best of all. You can do it at home. Most of these products are known for their health benefits. best of all. It is suitable for all hair types. Whether dry or even oily hair and scalp. Giving the right amount of oils where needed.

Deep Oiling Treatment for Healthier and Fast Growing HairOTher people are reading: Detox Plan for Seven Day Detox
Deep Oiling Treatment for Healthier and Fast Growing Hair
Ingredients you need
- 16 teaspoons Coconut oil
- 4 teaspoons Apple cider vinegar
- 8 teaspoons Almond oil
- Juice of 1 orange Must be freshly squeezed
Method for applying
- Mix all together in a container or a glass.
- First brush your hair out. From the bottom to the top. Making sure it is brushed properly.
- Now apply this mixture onto your hair. But start at the bottom. Make sure your scalp gets lots of these oils.
- After you have applied the mixture onto your hair. You can place a shower cap over your hair.
- Leave on for 4 hours or more if you desire.
- Wash your hair as you would normally. Making sure the oils are removed.
- Leave your hair to air dry