You have ovulated and some how been exposed to sperm! When the egg implants some women have a tiny bit of spotting called implantation bleeding, where the egg burrows into the uterine lining, shedding a bit. This is nothing to worry about. Your body also releases an immunosuppressant protein called Early Pregnancy Factor (EPF) to prevent your body from seeing the baby as an invader. Baby:
Implantation will occur this week! The egg and the sperm have met in your fallopian tube and will begin the 7-10 day journey to the uterus. Cell division begins immediately and continues throughout this journey. Once it has implanted your baby is called a blastocyst and is about 0.1-0.2 mm in diameter. Dad:
You're probably blissfully unaware of what is going on at this point. Or you might be anxiously awaiting the results of the pregnancy test. Either way continue with good habits previously started or work towards forming new habits. Twin Tips:
If you're having fertility treatments your chances of having multiples is increased, depending one which treatment. The rate of twins can be as many as 1 in 40 pregnancies.