Your body is figuring out what is going on! A urine pregnancy test would probably be positive by now. They measures the amounts of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, in your urine. You are probably beginning to feel tired, urinate more frequently, experience mood swings, and possibly have tender or swollen breasts - these are common signs of pregnancy.
Be sure to avoid environmental hazards. The first trimester is the most critical time for formation of your baby. This also includes avoiding alcohol, smoke and second hand smoke, street drugs, including healthy eating habits and a pregnancy exercise program.
The chorionic villi are fully formed by the end of this week. In one study, 100% of the transvaginal ultrasounds showed a gestational sac. The yolk sac that helps feed your baby until the placenta is fully functional is appearing as well.
Do you have a plan on how you'll find out about the pregnancy? Will the test be a joint effort? Some moms choose to have dad go and read the results. Be sure you've read the instructions and know how to properly read the test results. The words you say will be remembered forever.
Twin Tips:
hCG levels in moms carrying multiples are often more elevated. This can often be the first sign that you have more than one on the way! An average hCG for a singleton at 18 days post-ovulation is about 70 mIU, a twin gestation is about 200 mIU at the same day. Though this is not a foolproof way to detect twins.