The Nation's Health

Health Tips: STD Symptoms In Men

What is STD? The acronym STD stands for Sexually Transmitted Disease. It’s a Venereal disease, which is known to have a high transmission possibility between human beings (and also animals) through sexual contacts like vaginal intercourse, oral sex and anal sex. In the case of human beings, STD can affect anybody – be it a man or woman – hailing from any background and economic strata. STD is, however, found to be more widespread among teenagers and young adults.

Nowadays, the term STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) is heard to be more commonly used in place of STD. But there’s a crucial difference in their connotation. In STI, the cause of infection i.e. the germ such as virus, bacteria or parasite, responsible for causing the disease is present in the person’s body, though he / she may not actually be showing any symptoms of the disease or feeling ill. STD is the later stage when the infection has grown into a disease, making the infected feel sick or to become aware that something is wrong.

When a sexually transmitted disease is identified and treated early in an infected person, there is a good possibility of any type of STD being cured successfully. There are, however, few organisms like a type of gonococci that has become resistant to medicines employed for its treatment and now require use of newer antibiotics. One major sexually transmitted disease for which no effective treatment could be found till date is AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), a viral infection of the immune system.

STD Symptoms in Men

If you nurture a doubt that you have developed STD symptoms, it is suggested that you immediately contact a doctor for a checkup and treatment, incase of detection. The information provided below points out the STD symptoms in men.

These are:

* Painful urination. * Fever. * Cloudy urine. * Abnormal discharge from the penis. * Crusting at the tip of the penis. * Sores, lumps, blisters, rashes, or warts on or around the genitals. * Pain, swelling, or tenderness in the scrotum (epididymitis). * Itching, tingling, pain, or burning of the genitals. * Deep pelvic ache (prostatitis). * Many STD symptoms may disappear temporarily or change rapidly. This does not signify that the STD has subsided. The doctor may find it more difficult to diagnose your STD after the symptoms have altered. A delay in conducting a timely STD checkup may lead to a more serious illness.

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