I may be late to the party but I felt it was time to come out of hiding to have a good old fashioned rant!
So, Richard Madeley of Richard and Judy fame managed to get the backs up of every single ambulance worker in the country with his badly written, badly researched tripe of an editorial about a crew who finished their break before going to the aid of a critically ill child. For those not aware the original story can still be found here. It should have come as no surprise when the article vanished, but it didn't take long for more of the gutter press to spread lies and mis-information and make slanderous, biased attacks on ambulance services and their staff. Why let the truth get in the way of a perfectly good story eh?! It seems to serve no other purpose other than to blacken our name and tarnish the public perception of the NHS as a whole and only goes to make a hard and volatile job just that little bit harder. This time we have The Right Honourable Ann Widdecombe to thank for providing us with one of the worst examples of 'journalism' I have ever seen.
"A BABY of eight weeks is facing possible disability for life as a result of an ambulance crew finishing its break before going on a 999 call."

Belittling the work of the ambulance, police and fire is a right giggle.....
I agree with what she starts with, 'I can think of few more genuine emergencies than a baby having a 'heart attack'. Neither can I. Unfortunately the cardiac arrest the poor child suffered is not the same as a heart attack; never has been, never will be, but that really is beside the point. The child was critically ill and should have had an ambulance quicker than 41 minutes. Why though was West Midlands Ambulance service solely reliant on a crew who was on a rest break? Obviously Mrs Widdecombe couldn't possibly blame the Tory cuts, must tow the party line after all (even when you've retired from office). We can't for a minute blame the lack of funding, not enough staff, not enough ambulances and too many calls for the delay can we?! Oh no... blame the greedy paramedics stuffing their faces ignoring cries for help from a dying baby.
She goes onto draw parallels between staff having the right to a rest break with babies having the right to live. In all seriousness, what does she expect?! Is this the Conservative ideal?! Ambulance crews working 12 hour shifts without the possibility of a break? What happens when we have finished our shift? Does she expect us to answer calls then too? What about before? Do we sign on when we wake up in the morning and offer to answer calls in our own cars? I'm sure she was never advised to starve herself for 12 hours at a time whilst on Celebrity Fit Club....
One of my favourite parts of the article was when she led with 'Members of that crew had better pray that if they ever need to call out the emergency services they don’t find themselves in a clash with a copper’s cuppa or a fire fighter’s elevenses.' It would have only taken asking one member of an ambulance crew to find out how rest breaks work. We have no idea what jobs are going on around us. We are dispatched by a computer (that computer's sole purpose is to assist us meet the government targets), and on the rare occasion we get a break at all, that computer makes us unavailable for that period and we cannot be sent a call. Does she really think that a crew would knowingly sit down and eat in the knowledge that a baby was in cardiac arrest around the corner? I think its disgusting to level such an unfounded accusation at a crew. As for interrupting elevenses, we all know that Trumpton are always at rest!!
As if that wasn't enough she went on.......
"It is bad enough when public servants worry more about their own safety than that of the public and refuse to enter 2ft of water or to hop on a bicycle without a helmet but when it comes to putting sandwiches before a dying baby and then defending such action as reasonable, Britain has sunk to a new depth."

Look at them all! Scum! Every single one of them in it for themselves....
I don't remember 'can expect to take regular abuse and beatings' as part of the job description of Paramedic, maybe I missed it. I was probably too busy stuffing my face while watching this model citizen use her public standing to earn a few extra quid prancing around on Strictly Come Dancing. Silly me! For the record Ann, yes, we do worry about our safety but that doesn't stop us doing our job. We just wear stab vests so it hurts less. I was recently at an award ceremony for my service where staff were given the Chief Ambulance Officers Commendation for bravery. There was a crew who were beaten with a fence post and still went on to treat their attacker despite numerous broken bones. A crew who continued to do CPR whilst being repeatedly stung by wasps. A crew who disarmed a man with a gun. A policeman who sat next to a burning motorbike to protect the man lying in the road. Crews who day in day out put their lives on the line and for what? For the appreciation of our wonderful politicians?! If Britain has sunk to a new depth it's because of people like you. People so deluded and out of touch, that they label the little people their servants. Ms Widdecombe is not alone. Only today Tory MP Christopher Chope refer to the House of Commons catering staff as his servants. It's YOU who is out of touch, YOU who should be defending actions and YOU who should be answering accusations of sinking Britain to new depths.
I don't recall her or any Tory writing an article about the members of the emergency services who have sustained serious, life changing injuries in the course of duty as one of their 'servants'. Then again when she has the opinion that 'the service exists for the benefit of those who staff it rather than those who need it' it's of no surprise that these articles are not forthcoming.
'The purpose of education is teaching the young, not keeping bad teachers in their jobs, the purpose of the National Health Service is to make people well, not to give doctors evenings and weekends off and the purpose of the emergency services is to protect the public, not the staff’s nosh. Elementary, Dear West Midlands Ambulance Service.'
The purpose of education is teaching the young, so stop moving the goalposts and start supporting your teachers. The purpose of the National Health Service is to make people well, so stop privatising it, cutting funds, cutting staff to line your pockets. The purpose of the emergency services is to protect the public, so stop trying to turn the public against us, stop cutting ambulance funding, stop cutting police numbers, stop reducing wages, stop taking away our pensions, stop expecting us to work for 12 hours with no breaks and stop lying. Elementary, Dear Right Honourable Ann Widdecombe.
Oh and just for the record, you of all people should know that we the ambulance services are NOT emergency services. We are essential services. School girl error there! And I thought you were an educated woman, how on earth did you land the role of questionmaster in Cleverdicks?! They certainly didn't teach you the art of investigative journalism in your time at Birmingham University or Oxford! (See what I did there? Researched! You should try it some time.) You simply cannot put an article making sweeping statements into such a public forum, full of conjecture based on inaccurate information. It is nothing short of negligent, especially from someone with your social standing.

Like Ann, I also rage against the society we have become and when I heard about Thomas Passant it was indeed upsetting and heart wrenching. As a parent I know only too well what I would be feeling in that situation but putting food before the life of a child is not what we have become, not what we have ever been nor will ever be. We will always, always always try everything in our power to help anyone who needs it whether or not we have eaten, whether or not we have had a break, whether or not we have been at work for 14 hours already and whether or not we may get hurt along the way. We certainly don't work 80 hour weeks, 12 hour shifts, long nights, take abuse, receive violence and take repeated public attacks from washed out politicians for the money! £10.12 an hour is only tolerated because it's a job we love. If I wanted money and an easy life I'd work in McDonalds or go into politics. I reckon I'd be rather good at fiddling expenses and reality TV! Maybe that's what I'll do!
Perhaps Ann Widdecombe would like to come for a 12 hour night shift on a Friday (Or Richard Madeley). Would she be happy to face her adoring public in their time of need? Would she like to explain the real cause of the delays? Would she be happy to interrupt her rest break for a 43 year old male bleeding from the wrists, holding a knife and threatening to stab the first person through the door? Come on Ann! It'll be fun! I'll bring the nosh! Or maybe you'd like to find somewhere safe and warm, paid for by your servants, and write about it instead.
'Nero fiddling while Rome burned is the image which comes to mind.' Indeed.