At the start of September, we received a request from TopGear Magazine – the successful automotive & lifestyle magazine for educated men – for a free 1/1 print placement. The monthly-published magazine invites ad agencies to develop this unpaid advertisement for each edition. We can do anything with our free placement, as long as it’s based on the theme of ‘road safety’. The advert will appear in the November edition. So what we want to warn people about is driving fast in urban areas. Slow down, because you can murder a child. The alarming fact is, each year, an average of 100 children are killed by motorists in urban areas.
Advertising Agency: Draftfcb, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
Creative Director: Peter Kusters;
Art Director: Wouter Kampman;
Copywriter: Marcel Haasdijk;
Photographer: Roel Nederveen.