"48 year old male, cardiac arrest in street, CPR in progress"

Our Greatest Ever Team
It is not often that I agree with anything David Cameron has to say, however, when he describes UKIP voters as “fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists” I'm inclined to agree. They seem to be getting carried away with their recent success but the better known they get, the more skeletons from their dirty closets keep appearing. I have every faith that the great British public will see the light and this will be nothing more than a puff of hot hair and a protest vote against austerity.
It's 2013. Any party that expels their members for being pro gay marriage has no place in politics. However, quotes like “I just wish they would keep their homosexual nature and practises to themselves and stop trying to ram it down my throat telling me they are ‘normal’ when they are not.” seem part of the UKIP norm. Then again, that is little surprise when UKIP candidates like Alex Wood are photographed doing neo-nazi salutes. How very British! Last night I was told by someone from UKIP that "people fear the volume of immigrants in the UK" and when pushed he said it was "the fear that the UK they grew up in is changing beyond their control. It's just not England anymore." Ah yes, immigrants making us less English! Sound familiar? Sounds very BNP to me! Personally, I think they put the Great into Great Britain.
The England I grew up in was was a multicultural one. I lived in a nice part of the city and went to a good school. In my primary school class there were two boys from Nigeria, one from Pakistan, a few from India, one from Egypt, one from Ireland and *deep breath* one from Somalia! (UKIP voter shivers!) Some of them were born here, some weren't, to some of them English was their first language, to some it wasn't. Who cares?! Certainly as a 7 year old I didn't, they were just my school friends and still are. Perhaps the innocence of a 7 year old personifies what this country has stood for. It doesn't matter where you are from, what colour your skin is or whether you fancy boys or girls, you can be part of this wonderful country. By the way, forgot to say, there was also an American girl in my class but she doesn't count does she, because she's not considered an 'efnik'.

THIS is the NHS. THIS is Great Britain
This country is held together by 'immigrants'. The NHS alone, would implode without them. They do the jobs that these 'proud to be English' types won't do. Rather than sit there scrounging off the state, never doing a days work in their lives, do you see any of them offering to do a cleaning job? Becoming nurses? Becoming police officers? Doing anything to improve themselves or the country? No! They sit there and bitch about all the 'foreigners' taking their jobs. Well jobs don't fall from the sky, you have to go and earn them. The only reason an 'immigrant' has a job is because they applied for it. They met the criteria, did the training and work bloody hard to keep it, in the face of constant criticism and abuse from the uneducated racists this country harbours.
This country has done a good job of demonising the BNP over the years and quite rightly so. Sadly UKIP has given these racists a legitimate party to vote for and a forum to start airing their far-right views. As far as I'm concerned, UKIP supporters are a bunch of racists who are pleased that their evil ways are being validated by a political party. 'Oh it MUST be OK, the politicians said so,' Well let me share a little story with you.....
Dear UKIP voter,

UKIP see a turban. The rest of us see 3 coppers.
Last year I was called to a man who had collapsed in the street. A police officer was on scene and was doing CPR. (This CPR would go on to save the mans life.) The patient was a white man with an English name. Do you think he would have cared that the police officer doing the CPR was wearing a turban? Blooding immigrant eh?
The guy I was working with that day was gay. Not just a little bit gay, very gay. You know the type, the gay that is proud to say he is. Don't worry, he won't try and turn you with his dirty gay ways, instead he will help try and save a mans life (without ramming his gayness in your face). Amazingly it doesn't effect his job, or prevent him contributing to society. He is also one of my closest friends. He may even want to get married one day! *shock horror face* Bloody homos eh?
We started the resus and another one of our colleagues arrived. English was his second language. He was born in Kenya. KENYA! Proper immigrant eh? He suctioned the vomit out of the patients mouth and then secured the airway. (This action would contribute to saving the mans life) Can you believe he was allowed a job as a paramedic when English is his second language?! I'm starting to understand the fear. Bloody foreigner not speaking proper English eh?
The 4 of us worked tirelessly. We all communicated well together and were working to one purpose. Eventually we got him back! Wow! The guys heart was beating again! And he was breathing? So, me, the gay, the turban wearer and the immigrant got the guy onto the ambulance and rushed him off to hospital. This guy was a fighter. So bloody English eh?

We burst through the doors of resus. Well this is awkward, the Consultant in charge was not only a woman, but a Muslim one wearing a Hijab! Surely she shouldn't be allowed to wear that?! Not in THIS country. We handed over anyway and she took charge, continuing the excellent treatment this tax paying Englishman deserves. Still though, bloody Muslims eh?
As I looked around at the doctors, anaesthetists, nurses and HCAs there was a huge mix of backgrounds. Some born in England, some probably were not. Some were brown, some were black, one was even chinese! One might have even been a lesbian. *shocked face* (She may also want a wedding). My gay crewmates gaydar was working overtime! Anyway UKIP, here is a question for you. If this was your dad, your brother, your uncle or your friend would you care that he was being saved by a bunch of bloody homos and immigrants? Do you think the patient would give a dam? Or the patients family? This man lived and returned to tax paying status. His life was saved by the people of Great Britain.
You really should have a long hard think about that, because it isn't just a one off. This wasn't a hand picked job to make my point. That is every job I do, that is every hospital in the country, that is every police force that protects you. In fact, that is every school, GP surgery, dentist, supermarket, fire service, coast guard, builder and every other single business, service and institution in this country. England is a multicultural country, always has been and always will be. Your racist policies will not stand up. We pride ourselves on the fact that no matter what the colour of skin, sexual orientation or religious beliefs that someone has they are no less valuable or have any less right to be here than you and me.
Oh did I mention. I'm a second generation Eastern European. I should probably go back where I came from. Bloody foreigners eh?
Go on, say it, I know want you, don't be shy, all together now....

"We are not racists, we just don't want immigrants in our country."
Well UKIP, without invoking Godwin's law, your party is starting out in the exact same way as the German Workers Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - DAP) began in 1919. In 1920 Hitler became a member and shortly after that it became the Nazi Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - NSDAP) and we all know how that ended.
Lots of love
Ella Shaw (part immigrant, proud brit) x