"36 year old male, diabetic problems"

This winds me up! Diabetic problems?! Could they be any more vague! That could literally mean anything. The patient could be hyperglycaemic, hypoglycaemic, have retinopathy, diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar non-ketonic coma, renal failure, some kind of neuropathy problem, who knows! How are you supposed to prepare for a job if you have nothing to go on! Anyway, rant aside, off I went. Within a few minutes I was outside the house and ready to walk into the unknown.
After navigating my way past the 3 cars on the driveway (1x new Golf, 1 x Porsche Boxter and 1 x BMW X5) I knocked on the door. You'd think that when you dial 999 you'd be prepared for the imminent arrival of an ambulance or some kind of responder. It should never, ever, take over a minute to answer the doors unless the patient is disabled or frail. Anyway, annoyance at the delay aside, the door was eventually opened by the patient. He was well dressed, well spoken and going by the furnishings and accessories in the house he certainly wasn't short of a few quid! I followed him through to the lavish kitchen.
"What's the problem today sir?"
"I just need my blood sugar levels checked."
"OK, but why? Are you diabetic? Are you unwell?"
"I don't think I'm unwell, I mean I feel fine. I'm a tablet controlled diabetic."
"OK, but what did you need an emergency ambulance for?"
"To check my blood sugar! Keep up!" he chuckled.....
"I get that, but why do you think your blood sugar level needs checking if you're feeling fine?"
"Because I'm supposed to monitor my sugar levels and I've lost my test kit."
"So you've lost your kit, so phoned us to get your blood sugar checked?"
"Exactly!" he said in a condescending manor.
"I will check your blood sugar but do you really think it's an appropriate use of the service? You could have just gone and bought another one."
"Who do you think you are to tell me what I can and can't do? Lets not forget that I pay your wages."

Oh, he went THERE. I bit my tongue, did his blood sugar, cancelled the crew who were on route and offered him a full check over through the most hideous fake smile I could muster. Thankfully he refused. He signed my paperwork and I left without even receiving a thank you. I was surprised he didn't pat me on the head and say 'good dog'.
I sat in the car, heart pounding, steam coming out of my ear and a vein pulsating on my forehead! I was livid. Why is this tolerated? Why can nothing be done about it? Why can people be so rude and disrespectful. Then it all clicked into place. The nice cars, the nice house, the elitist attitude, the disrespect......and the Vote Tory poster in the window. How did I miss THAT when arrived?! I should have known I'm just a public servant.
We're all in this together!