Infected seminal fluid, Small or very tight pants, taking a bath in very hot water, seating for long time, Overweight in which fat can squeeze the testicles can reduce sperm count, masturbating and ejaculating very frequent can reduce sperm count an also can make a men infertile.
Pause 2 or 3 days for semen ejaculation keeps men's more fertile. Smoking and consuming alcohol can let you to low sperm count Low zinc levels Having Infection in the prostate gland. Deformed genital organs. Anbolic use reduce semen volume.
Ten Ways you can increase sperm volume:
1. Having sex and masturbating only 2 days a week, the less you ejaculate the more sperm count you will have. 2. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol, this products affects your semen production. 3. Exercise daily and reduce fat can help you ejaculate more. 4. Eat healthy, Diet rich fiber salad high in protein. Also eating grain is good for healthy sperm. Avoid eating spicy food and aldo reduce caffeine. 5. Stop putting pressure to the testicles with tight pants, wear loose pants or shorts. 6. Avoid hot baths and saunas. 7. Reduce problems and keep mind fresh and working doing yoga or meditation. 8. Rub Down body with herbal oil, which improves blood circulation. 9. Use natural semen enhancers, will increase sperm volume. This herbal supplements don't have side effects and will help you increasing sperm count. 10. Try to make love in the morning that sperm production are high.
Male infertility can result from many factors that affect their ability to produce healthy sperm, or-if the sperm is healthy and was not able to meet the egg to fertilize.
For this reason, it is necessary to take a look at the factors that could contribute to this problem: Family history. Check whether any man in your family has had fertility problems. Prior surgeries. If you have had surgery on his groin area or abdomen that may have formed scar tissue or may have directly damaged the reproductive organs. Toxins. The chemicals or toxins can kill sperm. This can be found in pesticides, Drugs used in chemotherapy, alcohol and marijuana.
Health problems. Certain diseases and medications can alter the sperm production process or the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg, such as hypertension and ulcers. Childhood diseases like mumps or adolescence may also affect fertility. Lifestyle. Male smokers and drinkers tend to have low sperm counts and more malformed sperm than non-smoking men and / or smoking.
Another is harmful to sperm production are steroids used to build muscle.