The belly button is one of the most overlooked anatomical features in our body. true enough it doesn't serve any purpose in once we grow old but it is one of the most important thing when we were still inside out mother's womb. This is where the nutrients from mothers are passed on to health the child. So whatever the mother taken, it can also be taken by the child through the umbilicus. Once the child then is born, it is cute and cleansed by the health care provider to avoid any infection and problem. after a few days, it will wear off thus it becomes a scar and a remembrance what mothers go through during pregnancy.
Although it serves no purpose, current health articles do not fail to emphasize the importance of cleaning the umbilicus of belly button. For sure someone will notice dirt inside the umbilicus. It should be looked out for as part of the hygiene. During summer time, or when going to the beach, it is not just important to prepare for it by doing some dieting, exercise and buying sexy outfit. Hygiene is also an important aspect so when considering showing your skin, make sure the umbilicus is clean.
In many health tips, there are ways on how to clean the umbilicus or belly button. For one, do not use rubbing alcohol when cleaning it. Instead, use cotton swabs and water. This is more efficient it eliminates the risk for allergic reaction from the rubbing alcohol. Patience is also key in cleaning the umbilicus area. There is no need to rush since it is the marker for accidents and injuries. Take some time in cleaning and make sure to clean it well.
In many health articles, the proper way of cleaning the umbilical area is by dipping the head of the cotton swab into the container where there is water. Then, using the other hand, stretch the umbilicus and then clean the insides of the umbilicus in circular motion. Do not forget to also include the area around the umbilicus to efficiently clean the whole area. There are navel sprays being sold in the market which can be used. This should be spray about twice after cleaning the umbilical area to make it look fresh and even smell good.
Lastly, as part of a good health tip in health articles, experts say that using the feminine wash can also be a good thing in cleaning the area. This can be used for those who have sensitive skin since water and soap can cause irritation.