The Nation's Health

Healthy Heart Tips (Healthy Heart Omega 3)

There are many factors that contribute to heart health, more than advertised. Yes, we know that genetics and overall health of the public, but there are great things you can do for your heart health issues to improve, which can overcome the factors that you can not control, genetics, environmental factors, and so on.
Let's first look at factors beyond our control. You can not control your family medical history, or your genes. If you have a family history of heart disease, you are automatically in the course of developing the disease themselves. However, some of the most plausible generation in the family have special circumstances that families choose a lifestyle that makes them more susceptible to certain diseases. Lifestyle learned by children in the family, who in turn teach their children, and the pattern continues. So, while you have no control over the choice of lifestyle or medical history, your family, you can choose to live today is more healthy than your parents did in the past. You can choose to binge eating and living habits of your youth, and today a better life upside down.
Your gender is another matter, not really changed. We all know that certain operations, to change one's appearance, and seem to change their sex, but the chromosomes and DNA that either makes you a man or woman will not be suddenly reversed. People have shown that heart attack than women of higher, and they also have heart attacks earlier in life than women. Therefore, males in particular have their heart health to look at, the sooner in life, long, healthy life insurance. Women, on the contrary, while heart attacks less often than men, and later in life than men have a higher risk of dying from heart attack, especially after menopause. Therefore, it is also equally important for women to the eyes of their heart health and choose healthy lifestyle choices.
Descendants of the last factor that has not changed. Like it or not, we can not change from African to French, or Mexican descent Norway. Certain nationalities are sometimes shown a fondness for certain conditions and diseases. For example, people of Asian or Caucasian has a lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared with those of Mexican heritage, Polynesia and India. African Americans are at risk of high blood pressure than Caucasian Americans, and thus have a higher chance for getting heart disease. These factors, heredity, can not be changed, but at the same time, it may lifestyle of people at risk of disease will increase. A good example is Japan, which typically have lower blood pressure and risk of heart disease than Americans. This is usually accredited with a high intake of sea vegetables, which is a healthy diet.
Now you know the factors that heart disease does not change your life, it is important to focus on what you can do to prevent or treat heart disease.
Heart failure is a result of heart disease, but there are signs and circumstances that will occur in heart failure. These include high blood pressure or hypertension: obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes. These symptoms, or conditions, are now grouped together and called "Syndrome X". Syndrome X is used as an incurable disease, not to prevent the United States to develop, and who need drugs to heal. But that did not happen. All conditions preludes with cardiovascular disease, and through a healthy lifestyle and eating habits are very preventable and treatable.
Most likely, the first thing you need to do is to lose weight. Nearly 90 million American adults are considered obese with a BMI of 30 or higher. That does not include the millions of American adults are overweight, or those with a BMI of 25 or higher, an estimated 30% of the population. Seventeen percent of adolescents considered overweight as well. So, now about 300 million Americans live in the United States, 180 million of them are overweight or obese. This figure is more than half of all Americans. With a large number of Americans are overweight or obese, not just the disease increased, but the American way of life changed dramatically in. In general, we have become more active, less active, and eating more than necessary. The number of office or employment on the Internet that an active lifestyle of American support, and in a country that almost never stops, fast food, high calorie, malnutrition, obesity is also supported.
Changes must be made for longevity in American life promoting. Old mantra, eat less, exercise more, can be very unattractive, but it can really save your life, by helping you to shed those extra pounds, heart and lungs to strengthen and improve circulation. In fact, however, that you can not just "eat less", you have to eat better. This means less fat, "light" foods, and more grains, vegetables, meat and vegetables. Have you ever wondered why this is important, though? If you provide your body with energy, why should care what is done, right? Truth that the different components of the diet, and anything you eat for that purpose.
The food you eat should promote alkalinity. A byproduct of each function in the cell and the cell acidic. Acid, although the damage to the cells when you insert it into the body. For this, it is important to eat lots of alkaline foods, such as acidity, alkalinity is the opposite. If your food into your body more alkaline, acidity and alkalinity will oppose the cause of some of your body. If you have acidic foods in your body, such as coffee, sodas, fried foods, etc., then just build up of acid and cause disease. As a preventive against acid cell, the body's fat cells for the parent company specifically to build much acid from the cells and organs, thereby protecting your body to destroy.However, when your body to protect you in this way, increase the number of fat cells, which promote weight loss. Eat plenty of green chlorophyll weight is an effective tool to combat the acidity in the body.
The food you eat to promote muscle gain. It is important not to fat, lean meat eating to give your body the amino acids needed to build muscle. That does not mean that if you do not care for big muscles, you need meat. After the muscles in the body are not only useful for the movement and strength in the body but also the burning of fat, such as having more muscle will lead to a higher metabolism. With more muscle to promote a strong view, while you are healthy and strong.
The food you eat to promote cellular activity. Cells as the basis for your body to be made, must be suitable for a variety of tasks necessary to keep your body fully functioning and healthy. Cell performs anything to your body, including the receipt of food, which helps to get rid of trash, to participate in enzyme reactions. If you think your organs are not much for you, remember that you are made of cells, organs, and because it's really your cells to work for your body to function properly.
In addition to adopting healthy eating habits, it is important to practice in your daily routine. Remember that every day, not per week. You have thirty minutes of exercise every day in some form, be it strength training, cardio or aerobic exercise. You have to run this type of exercise you do every day. For example, you can do aerobics and strength training with your hands on one day, cardio and stretching forward, aerobic and strength training to the next stage. Always running to aerobics three or four days a week and strength with every part of your body at least once a week.
We not only strength but also aerobic, cardio, stretching and reason. If you only strength, day after day, for sure, maybe you have big muscles and a high metabolism, but you will also have very weak lungs, weak heart, which in turn will not benefit you at all. Therefore, we combine different techniques in routine practice, maintaining the overall health of your body at optimum. Exercise benefits the body in many ways, not just build your stamina, but it helps reduce cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure, fight less, and overall weight reduction.
Diet and exercise are two factors to watch out for when heart health is a concern. But now, lots of food, Americans and even fresh food, healthy low. It is on this basis that people who lack essential vitamins and minerals. In fact, most Americans lack food.You may want to consider using extra care of your body. Vitamins that you would normally get from food are great for your cardiovascular health, including vitamins E, C and B. Research has shown that they are adding vitamin E to get a 40% chance of heart disease seen. It is not only due to the fact that vitamin E is an antioxidant, but it also keeps blood cells from the "stick" together and clogged arteries, and prevent damage to arteries. It is important to remember that vitamin E is fat soluble vitamins, and depending on the absorption of fat. This does not mean you can not eat hamburgers with vitamin E supplements, but taking supplements when eating food with olive oil or other "healthy fats" useful. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that works with vitamin E and keep blood vessels healthy. It also increases HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol. Vitamin B is a vitamin that helps control cholesterol levels.
Although the vitamin is essential for health, the truth is that more minerals are needed by the body. Not only can vitamin will not be used without the aid of minerals, but minerals, they work wonders in the body. No doubt the most important minerals for heart health magnesium, which is actually known as the center of the mineral.Magnesium helps prevent heart disease by preventing diabetes, cholesterol and improve heart attack. Magnesium helps prevent high blood pressure by relaxing the smooth muscles around the blood vessel walls, causing the artery opening, and collaborate with potassium-magnesium lower blood pressure as well. Magnesium helps prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of stroke. Magnesium deficiency can cause cardiac arrhythmias. Magnesium also helps improve heart health by relieving stress in the body as a whole. All in all, magnesium is a mineral which is good for heart health, and in fact, the most important minerals in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Selenium is a mineral that is important for heart health because it acts as an antioxidant in the body. Selenium, in addition to the components of enzymes that help protect the vessel wall. Potassium, magnesium and calcium work together as an electrolyte to control blood pressure and makes your blood healthy.
Looking at your heart health to improve, which is not absorbed into your body is as important as what's in your body. Smoking is something that many people engage in, and thought that perhaps the most dangerous thing you can do to your body. No less oxygen in the blood, blocking oxygen to body tissues, that with time, killing the tissue.Let us not forget that muscles coral tissue, and cardiac muscle, slow your heart muscle so that you do not kill. It is important that if you smoke, you quit today, to improve your health and reverse the effects of smoking began.
All are descendants of business, gender, lifestyle, diet, supplements, affect your chances of heart disease. In an effort to prevent cardiovascular disease and improve your cardiovascular health, it is important to protect, to do research and what your body needs for optimal health knowledge, then act on the knowledge to improve your heart health to this day.