"You are what you eat" is said many times, and mostly used in food Advertenties.When you start thinking about the meaning that you start your diet and analyze some of the processed food we eat so much, But not good at all. recipes healthy vegetarian is what you need to follow.
Your blood plasma is the liquid that carries blood throughout your body. If the plasma is analyzed after a meal consisting of a beefburger, showed high levels of LDL cholesterol and saturated fat. When scanning from the meat digest excess of a vegetarian diet, you lose weight. You are less prone to diseases such as cancer and other bariatrik-related abnormalities.
Eating a healthy vegetarian recipes to reduce high blood pressure, which in turn reduces the incidence of stroke and heart disease. You can expect a healthy vegetarian lifestyle, a feeling of enhanced energy and strength. This is particularly important if you have a family history of high blood pressure and LDL cholesterol.
Once you switch to a vegetarian diet, the body began to remove the poison from the previous meat diet. Poisons and oxidants are responsible for many diseases and disorders.
Moreover, why you want to start a vegetarian diet, you will begin to realize the health benefits associated in a short time. Research has shown that a healthy vegetarian recipes low in LDL cholesterol, while at the same meat diet. Only eat eggs and milk just fine as a vegetarian because meat causes excess fat.
A high LDL cholesterol associated with coronary heart disease (CAD). Scientists have found that people who eat meat regularly are more vulnerable to heart disease than those who do not eat meat. Half of middle-aged people has been shown to suffer a fatal heart attack while eating meat regularly.
So the benefits of a vegetarian diet include a lower LDL cholesterol, normal blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer risk is reduced and the opportunity to feel healthy, alert and ready to take the world!
The Nation's Health