- Avoid as much as possible so that building emotional tension, conflict, the pressures of daily life. Life now and ignore what happened in the past, ignore what others think you or another thought that just a waste of your time and energy.
- A good solution for you to call and speak with a psychologist - psychotherapist for counseling issues for the rest of your life, because it will help to better understand and better treat the disease course, through communication and automatic suggestions (priority you want to treat panic attacks with removing spark deep within you).
- Recognizing the presence of emotional problems - without being excessive. You know that your health is the most important thing in your life, with relationships with people that are close (in dealing with panic disorder, spouse / girlfriend, would play an important role to play in your favor).
- Stay terhidrat by drinking 2 to 2.5 liters per day (flat water, tea, Echinacea, dandelion, fruit juice), it is necessary to include additional food better for adequate circulation, and immediately remove body toxins. Keep away from carbohydrate drinks mineral water.
- Eat good and healthy: fruits, vegetables, salads, cereals important bread wheat, Graham, fish, chicken Dutch, chicken liver, dairy products with a minimum fat content (2%) - yogurt, buttermilk, fresh cheese.
- Avoid using the following: pork, sausages, fries, fast food in general, canned foods, salt, sugar, too much sugar, pasta, white bread, milk or smoked - cream, butter, margarine.
- In the kitchen to cook your own food if it insists can and can not microwave it. Also avoid excessive provide food through cooking or baking it.
- Do not forget about God's help - prayers - helps in healing and purification of the soul (most failures come from the soul, gathered daily stress, tension and emotional development over time).