Nutritional info: Vitamins A, B, C, E Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc Carotene, Chlorophyll, Digestive Aid, Trace Elements, Amino Acids Phyto-Nutrients - Excellent for Women (Breast Health) Protein: 30%
Fenugreek, which is known as Methi seeds in India, grows widely in South Asia and the reason why it is named as Fenugreek is that, the seeds are mainly used in Greek and has played a major part in the Greek cooking.
Though the fenugreek seeds are used for various purposes in cooking it also serves many other health and medicinal benefits.
• Fenugreek leaves are highly beneficial in the treatment of indigestion, flatulence and sluggish liver. The seeds are also useful in the treatment of colic, flatulence, dysentery, diarrhea and dyspepsia.
• The leaves and seeds of fenugreek are rich in iron. They help to prevent anaemia a condition where a low level of hemoglobin occurs.
• Fenugreek seeds are also helpful in the management of diabetes. Studies suggest that it contains an amino acid which helps to reduce insulin resistance and decreases blood sugar levels in diabetics.
• Leaves of fenugreek helps in the healing of mouth ulcers. An infusion of the leaves is used as a gargle for recurrent ulcers.
• Fenugreek tea can be helpful in treating leucorrhoea.
• Fenugreek seeds are helpful in the removal of dandruff. Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds overnight and in the morning make paste of those seeds and apply on the scalp and leave it for one hour. Then wash your hair with plain water. Regular use of this will make your hair dandruff free.
• Tea made from the fenugreek seeds is beneficial in reducing fevers. Fenugreek seeds when moistened with water become slightly mucilaginous and hence the tea made from them has the power to dissolve sticky substance like mucus.
• Fenugreek can also be used topically for the treatment of many skin infections.
• Tea made from the fenugreek seeds is also beneficial in controlling bad breath and body odor. Unpleasant odors occur due to the accumulation of hardened mucus and other toxins in the nasal and oral passages, the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, blood and vagina. Fenugreek tea taken regularly helps to remove these accumulations from these spots where mouthwash and soap can never penetrate.
• Halwa made from the finely powdered fenugreek seeds, wheat flour and ghee is beneficial after delivery. It helps in the quick normalization after delivery. The seeds made into gruel and given to nursing mothers increase the flow of milk.
• If used regularly fenugreek seeds can also help to lower the cholesterol level.
• A paste made of fresh leaves if applied on the face every night before going to bed and washed with warm water, prevents one from getting pimples, blackheads, and dryness of the face and early appearance of wrinkles.
• Fenugreek seeds contain phytochemicals, saponins which have an effect on the production of sex hormones and may help the body to maintain normal testosterone levels.
Good for Breast Feeding Mothers: India’s traditional ayurvedic physicians prescribe fenugreek to nursing mothers. This benefit is attributed to the presence of diosgenin in fenugreek. This can help increase the amount of milk that is produced by the breasts, and the magnesium and vitamin content of fenugreek also help the milk’s quality to keep your infant healthy.